That Dream | Teen Ink

That Dream

October 15, 2010
By Rjunk22 BRONZE, Bolingbrook, Illinois
Rjunk22 BRONZE, Bolingbrook, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was just a typical morning during the school week on a Thursday. The same thing happened, wake up, and use bathroom, change clothes, brush teeth, and then leave. She got to school around 7 to meet up with her friends and her boyfriend. But something just didn’t feel right that day, maybe it was the weather outside. The gloomy cold days always felt weird to her. She went along with her school day. We had Friday off so she had no homework to complete. After cleaning around the house it was 6 and she was ready to leave for the night. Her and her friends decided to go to a party. And there he was sitting there, no facial expression just staring into the wall. It had been months since she saw him. His clean cut shaven self was no a longed harried scruffy man. She wondered what had happened to him. He brought a weird vibe into the room. She leaned over to her boyfriend and begged him to leave with her. Without any questions they left. Her later asked while laying in bed with her what was wrong. He saw the fear in her eyes. She just tucked her head into his chest and went to sleep. Just by that he knew something was up. She had a dream, a dream that had one bloody knife and one bloody hand and when she woke up she knew exactly what she had to do.

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