Skitter's Friends | Teen Ink

Skitter's Friends

October 14, 2016
By Anonymous

It was a beautiful sunny wednesday morning, every insect had woken up, ate their breakfast and started their day as they usually did. Luna the Butterfly, brushed her teeth, put on clothes and ate breakfast all at the same time because she didn’t want to miss the school bus. Chip the Fly, had woken up and ran out the door with no clothes on. His mother had yelled out, “Honey! Put on some clothes!”. Chip ran back to his room and looked through his big pile of dirty clothes to find something clean to wear. And Lastly, Skitter the Bee, walked to the bus and sat with his insect classroom. He didn’t let anyone sit with him. He did not like sharing at all.
         Once they arrive to Bugginton Elementary, every insect is greeted by Mrs. Wormlee. “Hello! And good morning class! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and enjoyed it”, she said excitedly. “Today, we are going to work on our personal posters, so everybody stand up and each grab a piece of poster paper to start on it, okay?”. “Okay”, the class said back. Luna seemed to struggle ripping the poster off the cardboard. “Hey, Skitter. Could you give me a hand?”. Skitter walked over to Luna and ripped off the paper. “Thanks! Skitter, I really apprec-”. Skitter took the paper and sat down at his desk. Luna walked up to Skitter’s desk. “Hey Skitter, I asked you kindly if you could help me, not take my paper!”. “Boohoo”, Skitter cried. “Hmph”,  Luna said as she turned away and went to go grab another paper.
After lunch, it was time to work on the posters again. Every student’s poster looked so colorful and creative with the pictures they’ve drawn. Chip was almost done with his and wanted Mrs. Wormlee to see after he made some last touches. “I just need to color this in and I’m done!”, he yelled. Skitter walked over to Chip and tipped over the blue paint that was sitting next to Chip’s colored pencils and was all over Chips’s poster. “Oh no!” Chip screamed. “What did you do!” Skitter walked away with a big grin on his face and sat back down to his desk. “My hard work… gone”, said Chip as he sat in his desk worried. Luna and walked over to Chip and said, “What happened?”. “Skitter knocked the paint on my poster”. “You know what? Why don’t we all walk over and demand an apology?” Luna said. “Yeah!”
         The insects walk to Skitter’s desk and didn’t say a word until Skitter said something. “What do you want” he said annoyed. “We want you to say sorry to us” Luna said. “The things you’ve done to us was really not cool”. “No”, Skitter said. Skitter looked at their faces full of anger and burst out crying. “Okay! I’m sorry!”. Everyone looked surprised. “I’m sorry I’ve been mean to all of you. It’s just… I-I don’t have friends”. The insects were shocked. “We could be your friend”, Chip said. “Really?”.“Yeah! As long as you don’t be mean”. “How do I do that?” “Well, to start off, you don’t spill paint on people’s posters. “Haha sorry about that”, Skitter said wiping away tears from his eyes. “Well, to be a good friend, you don’t do things to make people feel bad. Being mean to them is a nono because then, you won’t have any friends”. “Thanks”. “You’re welcome”, Chip told him. “Now, why don’t I grab you another piece of paper and help you start over”? Skitter said. “That would mean a lot”. Skitter was glad he had friends. He was happy. The End.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by my time in elementary. I witnessed kids being harrased by others and I didn't speak up. My short story will hopefully give kids the idea how you should treat others and resolve conflict.

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