Ultimate Power | Teen Ink

Ultimate Power

October 14, 2016
By Division9 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Division9 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

           Before the adventure started, before any of this madness had happen, we need to go back to the beginning, where it all started. It began with Edward being teleported to the moon and touching the Pyramid in which he becomes insane and corrupted with madness. He is teleported to a mystical jungle with writing all over and the inhabitants find him and welcomes him to their home, and they teach Edward a lot of things about themselves like about the Vril-a, and it’s functions.
         Before he could learn anything else he was teleported back to the facility and tells Dr. Schuster “ We have Work to do my friend”. Richtofen tells Dr. Schuster “ You must keep a secret of the things i have seen” after finishing work on the teleporter he starts to talk to himself and saying “No, No I’ll just kill Maxis and his Daughter okay?” Soon After, Maxis and Richtofen started testing the teleporter, but this time using a dog. When start up the teleporter and teleport the dog, it teleports but when it came back, it was zombified and it was craving flesh. The mutated dog ran outside, and infecting the workers.  
     Once the dog left he locked Maxis and Samantha in the teleporter and said “Goodbye Maxis” and teleported them to a random place. Samantha was teleported to the Pyramid and Maxis was teleported to a dark place. After teleporting them, he looked outside and saw the undead walking around and infecting the other workers. Richtofen teleports to the moon to escape the undead, and goes to awaken the test subjects. Richtofen had experimented on them with Element 115(Which is an element that can reanimate dead corpses), after hours and hours of experimenting on them until finally he had created the super soldier that couldn’t be infected by the undead. The first of the test subject is Tank Dempsey, a all-american soldier, and an Lieutenant in the Army.  The second is named Takeo Masaki, a Japanese Soldier, had fought in many wars before being captured by the Nazis. The last one is named Nikolai Belenski, a drunk Russian Soldier, and he has had about nine wives and each one he had killed them all. They all follow Richtofen to the teleporter and this where the adventure starts.
                    They follow and is teleported to a Russian Rocket Facility named Ascension, and there they collect an artifact named The Summoning Key, which can hold someone’s soul in it. After collecting the Summoning Key, Dempsey asked “why are we doing this” and Richtofen tells him “it’s for a better Tomorrow”. Then they travel to an abandon ship in Siberia and trapped in some short of closet and asked the help of some actors who were fighting for their lives and they accepted to help them. Richtofen asked for a golden rod, Vodka for Nikolai, and something to clean Takeo’s throw up because he had eaten fish before traveling to the Siberian Boat. They had retrieved everything that the crew had asked and they had given it to them he had teleported to Griffin Station or the moon. After finding the Pyramid, they had put the artifact into the pyramid and four containers appeared, and they soon figured out that they had to fill up with souls of the undead. So that’s what they did, and once they had completed each container the pyramid had opened up and showed Samantha in the pyramid. Then Samantha and Richtofen had switched bodies and he had obtained Ultimate Power. After Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai said “What the $#%^ Richtofen”. Maxis told the crew that he could help them in weakening the link between the zombies and him by shooting four rockets towards earth, but all they did was blowing up some of parts of earth. The Crew had died after Richtofen had assumed Ultimate Power and used to kill them, and also to have earth as a playground from him to play around. Who could have known that Richtofen would have betrayed our crew for ultimate power and use it to kill them also?

The author's comments:

The Video Games i played had insipered me to write this

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