An Old Quill | Teen Ink

An Old Quill

January 27, 2016
By Vicentesaiso BRONZE, Monterrey, New Mexico
Vicentesaiso BRONZE, Monterrey, New Mexico
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Open your eyes look within are you satisfied with the life your living?

Today was a weird day at work. It started like any normal day. I woke up at 7:30am, made myself some breakfast and proceeded to head to work. I work at the National Museum of History, in NYC where I have a somewhat odd job. What I do is, receive all of the new artifacts, and evaluate them. That might sound quite normal, but I don’t deal with normal items. I only handle the ones which have had some link with the supernatural. I know, it sounds terrifying. But it really isn’t. Most of what is given to me doesn’t work, and is often a farce. Of course, I do have my set of terrifying tales of artifacts that were actually cursed, but I think today’s story is clearly the winner. 
Well, today I recieved an old quill. When I say old, I mean a hundred years old. You may be asking yourself, what is so weird about this old quill? Firstly, It has a backstory that made me really interested. The story says that whatever you write with the quill, will actually happen. And then there is the design, it is made out of wood, and had weird cravings all around it. I had never seen anything like it, so obviously I was really excited. For this piece I was just supposed to examine how it had aged, and report anything that needs to be fixed, but I was very curious. I grabbed a piece of paper and put it on the desk. In my hand, the quill. I dipped it in the ink that was provided and wrote a simple sentence. “A 5 dollar bill will appear in front of me.”
Expecting nothing, I waited patiently. But after a few seconds, I heard a loud bang behind me. I immediately turned around to find no trace of what could have caused such a noise. When I looked back at the table, to my pleasant surprise there was a 5 dollar bill sitting in front of me. I couldn’t believe what had just occurred in front of my eyes. There had to be some reasonable explanation to all of this. All of a sudden I heard my phone ring. Great. My boss. If he knew I had messed with the pen he would fire me. So with no options, I responded.
“What's taking so long with the pen?” He demanded.
“I’m sorry sir, i’m still inspecting it. I-it’s just that I have never seen anything like it and wanted to look closely.”
“Fine”, he sighed, “You have 5 more minutes.”
With 5 minutes and a magical pen at my disposal, I decided to write one more thing.
Something you don’t know about me, is that my parents died when I was young. It was a horrible car accident that took both of their lives. I missed them like crazy and I always dreamed of a chance to bring them back. Now I could.
So I wrote on the paper, 7 words that would hopefully change my life.
“My parents will come back to me.”
I closed my eyes, and almost instantly there was a loud bang behind me.

The author's comments:

It is a flash fiction story I had to write for my english class

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