The Downer Family Chronicles Vol. 1 "Bite" Ch. 4: Family | Teen Ink

The Downer Family Chronicles Vol. 1 "Bite" Ch. 4: Family

August 12, 2010
By Robert_Downer SILVER, Springfield, Oregon
Robert_Downer SILVER, Springfield, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The Price of Beauty was more Than You Thought
Suicide Silence

“Why is it so difficult to see ourselves?”
From “The Scorpion Deathlock” by The Devil Wears Prada

I just realized that I never really properly introduced my family to you. Well, you should know me pretty well by now I hope. Okay, so first off there is me Robert. I’m sixteen years old and yes, we do still age as humans do. I love music, and I love to play it as well. I can play the electric guitar, and I have been playing for four years, but that is not my real talent. My talent is my voice. I love to sing, although what I sing is not really considered singing, it’s more like screaming. You may ask, “What good is screaming?” and I will tell you that I am in a band with my brother Anthony. Anthony is on the guitar, my best friend Jonathan Reeve is on drums, and I am on vocals. Our band’s name is sort of like an inside joke for me and Anthony; we are called Taking down the Vatican. Fits doesn’t it?

My youngest brother, Anthony reminds me of a real metal-head if you know what I mean. He wears a black leather jacket, and all black attire to match. His hair is about breast length and is black as well. For all you head bangers who might be reading this, Anthony would remind you of a young version of Alexi Laiho from “Children of Bodom”. What’s funny is that during the school year, Anthony must wear his hair in a pony tail because this certain teacher finds it wrong for males to have long hair. This really p***es him off because there are two other guys at school who longer hair, but don’t have to wear their hair in pony tails. Oh yeah, and our school has a rule about no makeup on males. This used to annoy because I used to wear eye makeup because it looked good on my hair. Anthony is usually the outgoing one of my trio, when he gets in fights; they fight it all out, and then somehow end up buddies. I don’t get it. Oh well, Anthony is one of those guys you just can’t hate. That’s just how he is I guess. Oh yeah I almost forgot, Anthony is fifteen years old but that’s more useless information. My second oldest brother (only older than Anthony by three hours) is Jarett. Jarett is the tough guy of the trio. Anthony and Jarett love to bicker, and it usually end up with Jarett punching Anthony in the face and then everything’s forgotten. It annoys the hell out of me. Jarett is very close minded as well; when the book “Twilight” came out and every girl in the school was freaking out, Jarett was sure he was the only sane person who hadn’t read it. He calls it a plague. And that’s kind of what it is if you think about it; I mean, almost every woman on the planet has read that book and has fallen in love with at least one character. Did Jarett ever read the book? Nope. Jenna tried to get him to read it, but he ended up drunk and the book was found set on fire. How in the hell does that happen? Jarett doesn’t talk much, but when he does it’s usually a threat he’s telling someone. Well, thats the Downer trio.

My girlfriend, Jenna Lucy (I know what you’re thinking: two first names?) is absolutely amazing. She has brown hair with purple tips, and has an amazing body. Her eyes are beautiful and her smile is that of an angel. She is basically a female version of me I guess you could say. She is very music oriented like me, and she is very sensitive. Jenna and I found each other at the Vans Warped Tour last year during the Bring Me the Horizon bit. Later that night we got together and since then we have been dating. I find it sad that during our first kiss, I was completely intoxicated because I remember nothing. She has a very unique killing technique; when she is about to bite, Jenna says a quote from one of her favorite songs then goes in for the kill. I find it very sexy and attractive….in my own weird way.
Well, that’s my family, hopefully now you know some more about my brother and me, and y lovely girlfriend. This next chapter will be hell, and not as upbeat as the last ones, so be ready to lose any happiness.



The author's comments:
This is the fourth chapter of my book "Bite".

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