Real monsters | Teen Ink

Real monsters

March 25, 2010
By shyshy2233 GOLD, Mojave, California
shyshy2233 GOLD, Mojave, California
11 articles 53 photos 1 comment

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this could always be worse<3

Monsters arent always monsters. They dont mean to do it. It just happens like on a full moon thing. afterwards there...well...still them. Everybody has a bad day.
I try to tell myself that he still loves me. I mean he tells me but I cant make myself belive. I dont know if I should.

so im hidding intell someone proves it to me. Till they try to make me belive. If they do love me they wont give up.

Maby he trys to play it off. Trys to act cool, But it wont work, not this time. I wont let him get close enough to go for the kill. He may put it off. The sweetness but under it all hes still just a monster. All of them are. But so are we under it all were evil, crazy, hunters, killers. We were made for this.

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