Zombie's Tears | Teen Ink

Zombie's Tears

September 7, 2023
By Bryan_3f BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Bryan_3f BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The year is 2089. Josh is a scientist and is sitting at his desk looking at the picture of his wife that had passed away. Josh was reminiscing about the times they shared. The times they went to the movies, on vacation, and the times when the bed didn’t feel empty. Josh has been doing everything he could to bring her back. It’s the main reason Josh even became a scientist. Josh had recently gotten a breakthrough on his experiment to bring her back. He went to his boss, Matthew’s, office. 

Josh walked up to the door, heart pounding, whether or not the boss would accept his idea to bring back the dead. Josh knocked. 

“Who is it?” In a rugged, tired voice replied Matthew. 

“It’s me, Josh. I have an experiment I would like you to approve” 

“Come in.” replied Matthew.

Josh entered the office. He saw all the papers laying around and scattered everywhere. Slowly, trying not to step on papers he approached the desk and handed Matthew the paper work of his experiment. Josh could hear his own heartbeat in the silence of Matthew reading the paper. 

“No.” Matthew said. 

Josh could feel blood rush through his head and grabbed the photo of Matthew’s wife, put it to Matthew’s face and said “Why? You could bring your wife back, yet you're saying no?”

“You don’t know the consequences that this could bring.” 

Josh snatched his paperwork from the table and this time made sure that he dirtied the papers on the floor and stepped on all of them. He went back to his lab room but to make sure no one noticed him, he went through the back stairwell, downstairs. He finished up on his experiment, making final adjustments. He went to turn it on but paused. “Why would Matthew say that? We both know the pain of losing someone.” Josh pondered. “Don’t worry we’ll both be happy again.” said Josh and he went to the small body perseverer in the corner of the room. Josh pulled her out and placed her on the machine. Josh reviewed everything again and turned it on. Josh could feel his palms sweating and waited.

His wife stood up. Josh, excited to see his wife, went and hugged her. Josh felt her cold body and then felt a rush of pain from his right shoulder. Josh retreated and looked, there was a chunk of his shoulder missing if he still had a shoulder left. Josh started feeling cold and his vision was fading. Everything went black. 

Josh regained consciousness. Disoriented, Josh looked around. He noticed papers on the ground covered in red and Matthew’s name plate on the desk in front of him. He walked up to the desk to look at the computer which had access to the camera’s. As he is heading towards the desk he sees a foot sticking out. He found out why the papers on the ground were red as he saw the body of his boss sitting on the ground. Josh felt something come up but pulled it back down. Josh breathed slowly and tried to regain himself. He went behind the desk and tried not to step on Matthew. 

Josh turned on the computer and saw that he needed to put in a username and password. Josh tried putting Matthew’s birthday and failed. He glanced at the picture of Matthew’s wife. Josh figured since he uses his wife’s anniversary Matthew would use the same. It worked and Josh gained access to the cameras. He went back to the time that he turned on the machine and hugged his wife. He saw his own wife bite his shoulder. After the bite, Josh’s skin had a green tint to it. He saw as he left the lab, went upstairs and into Matthew’s office. He walked up to the office and knocked on the door. 

“It’s me I have an experiment I would like you to approve of,” said Josh in a raspy voice. 

Matthew was in silence not knowing if it was actually Josh or not. Josh entered the office and lunged at Matthew, not stepping on a single piece of paper on the floor and bit him. Blood started squirting all over the room. Josh started vomiting at what he just did and it went all over the computers. After trying to regain his composure Josh noticed something in the vomit. There were chunks of Matthew in the vomit, a finger. Josh went outside to distract himself from what he just witnessed. 

Josh approached the exit and opened the door and saw skyscrapers collapsed and on fire. Cars abandoned on roads and bodies all over. Josh, worried about his parents, ran home. Josh, gasping for air, finally arrived at he entered the door and saw blood all over the ground of the living room. Josh went as fast as he could and there they were. His parents were all covered in blood and chunks missing. Josh felt the most pain a heart could feel but no tears came out. 

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