Set Sail | Teen Ink

Set Sail

August 11, 2016
By m.turco SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
m.turco SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you"
Matthew 7:7

I am a girl lost in a sea of suitors. Joseph, my anchor, holds me down so that I might not drift away. I am floating peacefully and happily in calm waters. I am content resting here with no danger or adventure.

But sometimes a wind tickles my face. Tantalizing me. Daring me to experience its crazy and audacious storms. The fun challenge tempts me. I am a wild girl who wants to feel free and bold and powerful! I yearn to be with a boy who encourages my heart to explore and my undiminishable curiosity to flourish.

And yet, I cherish this silence and steadfastness. I am safe and know that my Joseph will not let me wander astray. My anchor will always hold me close to faith and love.

On the outside, I appear as steady as the mighty oak tree. But inside, my heart is tearing, screaming at me to follow the wind. It tells me to experience what it is like to be reckless and carefree. It tells me to make memories that I will never forget. It demands that I listen to it, instead of being guided by intuition. My peace can no longer be peaceful while my heart so adamantly protests its silence and calm. With every beat, I feel its insistent pull.

Two choices remain: stay ever comfortable in a world unknowing of recklessness, giggles, and adrenaline rushes, or finally explore the world and let my heart feel young and free. One choice promises security, the other screams thrill. I take a breath… and cut the rope to my anchor and let the wind take me.

The author's comments:

For years, I devoted my life to being perfect at school, sports, friendships, work, and, well, everything. But this summer my perspective changed as I started experiencing new things and discovering that I love adventure more than flawlessness. 

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This article has 1 comment.

JME99 BRONZE said...
on Aug. 16 2016 at 6:19 pm
JME99 BRONZE, Waukesha, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
What do we do when we set sail? Are we looking for adventure or are we trying to run away from fear? true love? Or are we all just captains of a sailboat searching for new meaning and perspective? Well, MKT35 has a different outlook on things. She's not running away from her fear of sharks, or the mean math teacher in room 420. No, she's running away from YOU. US. ME. Everyone that takes the road most traveled by. The road of conformity, perfection, stereotypes and lies. Why does society think these are more important than true love, happiness, faith and commitment, and why do we deny these are substantial pieces of living a good life? Quite frankly, because its easier! Now, you might be wondering why is she setting sail? I cant exactly answer that for her, but I know where she's headed. Right into the eye of the storm, baby. A new adventure, no problem. A new problem? sounds like and adventure. All in all, MKT35 has successfully been released from the prison of society. I hope my sentence will be up soon.