Love is worthful | Teen Ink

Love is worthful

April 22, 2016
By Vargas BRONZE, Tamarindo, Other
Vargas BRONZE, Tamarindo, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She sat there still, looking at the horizon with the orange-painted sky above it. Didn't do anything, didn't move a single muscle, she just watched the sun as it was consumed by the mistery of beyond. He was shy, didn't know how to talk, or didn't know what to do. He wanted to tell her how beautiful she was, how her ayes standed out above all things when they were reflecting the majestic sunset. He was afraid of losing this angel. He wanted to tell her everything, he wanted to give her the world, but her steel bubble was too strong. He was disappointed, he was feeling down and wanted to retire, didn't want to persue his life dream. But he remembered his name. One day years ago he sat down in the middle of silence, and spoke to it. He knew that love was not easy, and would never be so easy to get. True love doesn't exist as physical material, not all the precious jewels could even get close to that thing all humans were born for: love. Silence spole, it was not clear. The fight is not easy, you've got to keep pushing, never give up. To get gold you have to dig deep down in the soil, then extract it, but it is not pure yet, gotta clean it now, you have to melt it and remove all those imperfections around. The final outcome, gold, pure and shiny. But gold doesn't stay shiny if you just leave it there. Clean it everyday, take care of it and it'll be shiny and beautiful for a long time. Love is the gold, but even more valuable. If gold is so difficult to obtain and take care of it. Do you think love is not more difficult? The boy was afraid. He came back with her, she was still looking far away, he didn't leave for long time but he felt like he was gone for a long time. He hugged her, got close to her ear and told her "You are my most valuable possesion, I don't own many companies, I can't afford many jewels, but I have you. That makes me the richest person on earth. And I will take care of you like no other could, because I don't want to lose you."

The author's comments:

Written in "Stream of conciousness".

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