NYC, NYU, and Main Street | Teen Ink

NYC, NYU, and Main Street

May 19, 2015
By skasz BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
skasz BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do You Suppose She Is A Wildflower?"

Adeline walked off the plane and onto the tarmac making her way inside. Finally, having shivers exit her body, she called a cab. She exited the airport with her carry-on and luggage entering the small cab lethargically. The cab whizzed off and before she had the chance to blink she knew she was on her way. Soon she would be to her new home.
Buildings. Buildings everywhere! That’s all she saw. The cab driver pulled onto Main Street, and Adeline’s once long face lit up like a sunset. She walked for a while, still in awe and amazement. Her heart started to race once she realized her first set of classes at NYU began tomorrow morning. Out of her pocket came an old rustic key once she approached a modern (for the 1950’s) apartment style set of flats.
“Here I am.”
Before she could enter, she decided to get some espresso before calling it a night so she had the energy to unpack. The Cracking Mug was the coffee shop across the street that became her best friend for the next four years. Once she finished her drink she made her way to the flats. There it was in all its glory. Fifteen years to get here.
Adeline turned the key into the deadbolt after regaining her balance from the shaky elevator ride. The deadbolt was the blockade she had to break in order to get to her future.
Slowly turning the key with everything holding her back, she took a moment to look at the engraving on the deadbolt:
“Lilly Loves Noah,”
Adeline felt her heart stop for a moment and the tears started to build up. She entered the room and was bewildered.
White-walled from end to end. No speck of color except for the one black table in the center of the room with a letter on it that read:
“To my dearest Addy,
I know this must be so hard for you, knowing if you’re here, that we are gone. Whether  you’re fifteen or eighty, I need you to know that I’m so proud of you. You were my one- and only little star. Your art will set you for life, and that’s why this room is all white. It’s  your canvas. I want you to do what you want to do. No matter what happens or comes  your way know that daddy and I believe in you. Keep on going…
     With all our love,
      Mommy and Daddy
Adeline began to hysterically sob. She sat down leaning against the wall and looked around.
“My canvas, huh?”
That night she barely slept making it even harder for her to awake and attend early classes, but she did. With her suitcase lying wide open on the floor, Adeline put on clothes, makeup, picked up her glasses, used the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and she made her way down the elevator. Descending to the first floor, Adeline entered the street she would soon call home.
With her backpack on her back, Adeline was still nervous for her first day. She stopped for a moment and just stood and stared at it. NYU stood so tall and Adeline couldn’t contain her joy knowing this had been her dream forever. This time it became a reality.
She looked up and exclaimed,
“I’m so sorry!”
The yellow cab drove away and Adeline with her heart racing carried on. Adeline grasped the frigid metal door handle and entered to see a barrage of students flowing out of every nook and cranny there was. The bombardment of students continued as Adeline made her way up the stairs thinking,
Room 328
She progressively made her way up three flights of stairs dodging teenagers left and right. Their faces looking as if they hadn’t slept in two months.
Endless chatter filled the air, but for some time it seemed almost silent. Adeline, making her way into the classroom, saw that no one was there. Mrs. Henning, her first period biology teacher, seldom spoke and chose to write things on the board instead, she began,
“Adeline Baker?”
“Here!” Addy was almost as quiet as a mouse.
“You can call me Addy!”
“Addy? I like it.”
Mrs. Henning, although she barely spoke, was very pleasant on the occasion that she did speak. Time passed and Addy went through the day learning about animal species,
Photosynthesis, Dali, Genghis Khan, and many more names that went in one ear and out the other. Addy left the place and hurried out, being cautious of her surroundings.
Addy speedily walking along, bumped into a living person and almost jumped out of her skin.
“I’m so sorry!” Addy said trying to move along, was stopped.
“You’re Addy, right?”
“Yeah, you’re –“
“Yeah, that’s right!”
“I’m sorry, just getting to my apartment. See you tomorrow!”
Addy left remembering his face as her 5th period art class pupil. Addy finally reaching her destination, astonishingly found Chase entering the elevator.
“Wait! What are you doing here?” Addy spoke alarmed.
“I live on the 11th floor, you?”
“The 12th.”
Both were astonished and proceeded up the elevator in awkward silence. Addy and Chase became closer. They walked to school and back together and studied at The Cracking Mug. Everyday was a new adventure for the two. Time passed on, and as they grew closer, Addy finally came to tell him about her parents.
“And you parents?”
“Oh, it’s nothing really!”

Only two weeks had passed since they first met at the elevator, but they both felt as if they had known each other all year.
“They died in a car accident.”
“I’m so sorry.”
You could see the sorrow and empathy on Chase’s face as the words finally hit his ears.
“Actually, my mom is cooking tonight. You should come.”
Addy proceeded to resist and felt she would be intruding. Chase proceeded on until Addy finally, reluctantly agreed. The dinner came and Chase introduced her to his mom, Ms. Smith.
“Oh! I’ve heard such wonderful things!”
“Oh! Thank you, Mrs. Smith!”
“Please! It’s Ariel. I don’t want you to feel like a friend. We are family.”
Addy glowed as she sat on their couch and smiled uncontrollably. For once she felt like she had a family that loved her. This became an every Wednesday night thing, and Chase and Addy grew even closer.
Time passed and the number of adventures soared into their last year of classes at NYU. Addy had obtained a job at the art studio down the street and discovered her special talent. The owner, Mrs. Kelly, fell in love with Addy and she passed the studio down to her due to cancer. She wanted to live her last years resting. Chase was employed at The Cracking Mug. Ariel was still at home, and by now Addy and Chase were dating.
Senior year was stressful. Addy drew anxiety and depression, two things that were locked in her chest of nightmares, however, the chest was unlocked now and a deluge of the unspeakable came
pouring out. Trapped inside her own thoughts, Addy thought there was no way out. Chase reached out, but she felt he just wasn’t close enough. On several occasions, she took it too far.
She overdosed and passed out during school. Chase was at home helping his mom when he heard. In distress they both went to the hospital. His mom in the waiting room and Chase sitting right next to Addy crying and hoping she would wake.
“Ch- Ch- Chase?”
Addy was beyond weak and Chase’s eyes overflowed with tears once he heard her voice again. They talked for a few hours for the first time in the last few months, and Addy’s stress was gone. The exams came and studying was all life was. The week came. There was Biology, Calculus 2, History, English, and Religion. Both being very smart, did not stress too much. Biology, Calculus 2, History, and English all passed. The one class that gave her enough credits to graduate foiled her. The essay that changed her life: “Why do you believe what you believe?”
Addy didn’t know why it wasn’t good enough. She went and talked to Mr. Bulliard and was surprised.
“Addy, your essay was so good, that I want you to help me teach a class this summer.”
Addy was stunned and happily obliged. For the whole summer Addy helped Mr. Bulliard teach a religion class, and by the end of the summer, she didn’t know what to do. Chase was moving to San Francisco and asked her to come with him. Happily, she said yes. As they settled down there, their story had really began.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 28 2015 at 1:56 pm
Bless_survivor13 GOLD, Daytona Beach, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The realest people dont have them many friends "

wassup dude