Unknown Beauty | Teen Ink

Unknown Beauty

October 31, 2013
By paddycait BRONZE, Wagoner, Oklahoma
paddycait BRONZE, Wagoner, Oklahoma
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Christ, the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.

she was beautiful. not the beautiful you see in movies with enough make up on it's as if she's wearing a mask, and not the rare beautiful that's natural and glowing. she was just her own kind of pretty. but I saw her beauty shine through in every face she made and every smile she faked. every day I sat by her in class or walked past her in the hall and had to tell myself that I wanted something different. that I had something different and I was just being silly. I would be a fool to leave the most beautiful girl in school for this beauty I didn't understand. but some days I felt like a fool for not getting to understand that beauty. she walked in a way that whispered "where am I going?" and she didn't ask herself that to know what class she was headed to. she asked herself that to remind herself of the unknown quality of the future. she loved the idea of not knowing what occurrence was to come next in her life, whether it be so minor it never felt as though it happened or so major you felt as though life wouldn't continue without this happening. I often made up conversations in my mind in which she would answer the many curiosities I had about her mind and her heart and her life.

my girl had beautiful black hair to her shoulders with the perfect curve and wave to add bounce with every step and light brown eyes with make up thick to grab your running mind. she had a different essence to her than the unknown beauty. she carried herself with an even balance of confidence and insecurity but you never felt a vulnerability around her like the kind floating around the unknown beauty. she took pride in every touch of her body and appearance. she had a beautiful inside but she had a harshness to her heart that could make anyone feel so little around her. i actually do believe that's where her beauty shines from. her heart for the people around her.

The author's comments:
Just an idea of a story I thought of in class.

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