Only With You | Teen Ink

Only With You

September 12, 2012
By PunkNotDead BRONZE, Mancos, Colorado
PunkNotDead BRONZE, Mancos, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I saw her looking out the window, her hair flowng from her head like a waterfall. than she turns to me and asks, "Do truely love me?"
"Well, what would we be doing together right now if I didn't?"
At that she smiled.
After hours of sitting in the car finally we were far enough away, so now where we are never going back. We checked into the Poor Boy Motel and headed straight to our room, number 420.
We ended up having the best night ever of our new life. at least we thought it was, at first. A couple seconds later we saw the cops pull up in from of the motel. We heard them tell the manager that they were looking for two runaway girls.
The second we heard that we rushed up to the stairs that are leading to the roof.
"I love you babe. And I always will. But I can't live without you next to me. Shannah, please, say something!"
She just looked at me and said "I love you."
Than she jumped.

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