Loss and Rebirth | Teen Ink

Loss and Rebirth

October 25, 2010
By Noxgene BRONZE, Esbjerg, Other
Noxgene BRONZE, Esbjerg, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Psalm 23:4

She delivers the message blunt and to the point, no problem, but what to see from this, if you screen played it in real life?


You see she is only relieving you the pain of loss, by simply sliding a knife between your ribs and letting it sit firmly in your heart, You stare at her, crumbling to your knee's.

You look at her figure, as it is blown away like sand in the wind, You look down as Your blood trickles from the wound, engulfing Your shirt in a new color.

You stare at the world around You, You don't cry or scream for help, You are Dying, You accept it. As the warm blood reaches Your thighs, and seeps out on to solid, cold, lifeless ground, You feel at home.

Your heart beats one last time.

You tip and fall to the side, cold and dead.

You are free, You are Moving On.

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