Fear of Love | Teen Ink

Fear of Love

September 16, 2010
By ashley_nicole93 BRONZE, Dundas, Virginia
ashley_nicole93 BRONZE, Dundas, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She had the biggest crush on him. . ..
Jill was playing basketball when she received a text message from "him."
She wonder how he got her number but she didn't ask. . .

They began to text everyday. Months begin to pass and they are still finding out things about each other.
Years then being to pass and they are texting are texting each other move frequently. . Jill was texting "him" one day and the message read, "Do u wnt 2 go wit me?" Jill replied with a yes.. .

Nine months pass and they are still in a relationship. One day she unexpectedly received a text that read, "I luv you." Jill, without a doubt loved "him" so she said, "I luv u too." ...

They are now telling each other I love you more and more everyday. Just when Jill thought her life couldn't get any better. One day when she was on the bus looking out the window, she received a message saying, " I dnt think this relationship is going to work...."

There Jilll sat with her shattered into pieces. .

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This article has 2 comments.

on Sep. 29 2010 at 1:31 pm
this waz really good

nocho_chicka said...
on Sep. 29 2010 at 1:12 pm
wow, that's one heart ache. but we all go thrugh it. just get back out there(;