Love Is Like Death and Grief | Teen Ink

Love Is Like Death and Grief

August 3, 2010
By 2beforgoten GOLD, Maylene, Alabama
2beforgoten GOLD, Maylene, Alabama
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The end of love is a lot like death if you think about it. They both bring you into depression. They make you sit up in your room and cry at night. They will make you think about it all the time all the time. You will never forget. And the both cause you cause you grief.

You know the Seven Stages of Grief. It is in love too. When you love first starts to crumble in to dust, the first thing you feel is shock and denial. You will feel overwhelmed with sadness and you feel like dieing with your love. You want it back to stay and you feel like you can’t live with out it. Then you get pain and guilt. You feel this unbelievable pain in your heart and you just can’t take it. That when you start to consider doing things that you don’t do. You start drinking to sub do the pain. You start to think that there was something you could have do to prevent it. Next you feel anger. Ever second you want to call them up on the phone and tell them how you feel and what you are going through. You throw things and burn every thing that they gave you. One of the worst is depression. It is when you never want to come out of your room. You sit up all night crying. You cry your self to sleep at night. You block your self off from the world.
Brightness starts to set in. you go through and upward change. You start to think that it might be for the good. You start to get out of your depression. Next you try to work through It. You try to make your life better for you. You make changes and you start thinking about other guys again. Finally you get to acceptance. You are finally over you’re your ex and you are happy now. You can think clearly and you might even have a new guy your in life.
Love is Death. You go through the sages of grief. But it is you choose how long it will last.

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