Barcelona Babe | Teen Ink

Barcelona Babe

July 30, 2010
By AngelOfDaNight PLATINUM, Memphis, Tennessee
AngelOfDaNight PLATINUM, Memphis, Tennessee
29 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
The future belongs to those who believe in the power of their dreams.
--Eleanor Roosevelt

A long time ago, there was a woman known as the Barcelona Babe. She got this name for being the most beautiful girl in Barcelona. She had that natural beauty that no man could resist. It was said that the Barcelona Babe had actually found true love and had gotten engaged. However, on the night before her wedding, which coincidently was the night of the first full moon of the new year, her man decided to leave her high and dry. It was said that she was so distraught , that when she found out she immediately when looking for him, and created a reversed Romeo and Juliet scene. Her last words were said to be, "No man shall ever break my heart again!". Some years later, it is said that the Barcelona Babe returned on the eve of what would have been her 100th wedding anniversary. She was seen standing on the balcony where she murdered her Fiancé and herself, wearing her wedding dress. Every 5 years she returns as a new beauty and chooses a new victim. She dates them, gets them to propose, and before they can even think about leaving, she kills them. She kills them all on a balcony-her signature along with the engagement ring she places on their finger. One would thing guys would become more cautious when choosing a young lady, but no one ever thinks that this can or will happen to them. When will she stop? Will she stop? What will it take for her to stop? No on knows. . .

-Barcelona Babe-

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