Why did I say Hello | Teen Ink

Why did I say Hello

May 3, 2010
By Anonymous

I remember seeing your face in kindergarten, knowing your name in third grade and then last year, meeting at summer camp.

I said hello, I should have just left you alone.

At the end of camp you gave me a token of your thanks for "a great experience"

This year at school we were friends, I learned that we had a lot in common, I started to like you more.

We both went back to the same camp, at the end you asked me to dance, I almost cried because I want to be friends and only that.

I avoided you for the next week but I missed you.

Somehow I'm under your spell, and I'm struggling to get out and yet loving it.

Why did I say hello at camp?

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on May. 17 2010 at 11:44 pm
Bookdragon GOLD, Mona, Utah
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