Six Minutes Until Dawn | Teen Ink

Six Minutes Until Dawn

March 23, 2010
By Anonymous

I thought I loved you. I thought we were so good together. You and your football career, me and my cheerleading championship. I really thought that you loved me. But now I know better.
It's six minutes until dawn, and I lay my bed, crying. My parents will be getting up soon. At eight-thirty Annabeth will walk over from her house across the street. She'll have her beach bag slung over her shoulder, her brown hair tied in a knot at her neck. I won't go with her to the beach. That's where he will be. Anthony Markus. The football star at the local high school. Annabeth had warned me not to go out with him. She told me that he was nothing but a heart breaker. I smiled at her told her not to worry, then I changed the subject.
Anthony was a charmer. Red roses where his thing. He gave one to each of the girls that he wanted to charm into a date. I got one last week. A red rose stuffed into my locker, the bud hanging out of a hole in the locker door. A note was attached to the steam with a string. It read; "Dear pretty woman, you are so beautiful, will you go on a date with me?" At the bottom he had signed his name in blue ink. My favorite color. That was the first sign that he was a heart breaker, and that this relationship wouldn't last. The note had been typed. Not written. He probably had hundreds of these little cards at his house.
The second sign was so much more obivious than the one before. I remember standing in the hall with you, it was the night after our second date. You had your arm around my shoulders and you were goofing with your friends. That's when Becky Miller walked down the hall. She's all long legs and boobs. I watched as you stared at her as she walked down the hall. You love her short skirts and low tank tops. You love it that she's single now to.
You broke up with me this morning. Seven days from our first date. We were supposed to walk on the beach and watch the sun come up. But you called me and told me that you didn't love me. That you didn't like me. That I was just an easy catch. You dumped me, six minutes before dawn.

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