The Day We All Lost Sam | Teen Ink

The Day We All Lost Sam

January 16, 2010
By fralexandria.elizabeth SILVER, Marrero, Louisiana
fralexandria.elizabeth SILVER, Marrero, Louisiana
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"the scars remind us that the past is real."-papa roach

Back when I was 16 a bunch of friends and I would hang out by the old train tracks after school. Trains barley ever came down that track. Of all the people there Sam was my favorite. I knew Sam for as long as I could remember. He was and always will be my very best friend.

Sam was a dare devil. He’d do anything anyone dared him to do. And for that everyone was afraid of him. But I wasn’t, I could never be afraid of Sam Martin.

Sam was tall boney with brown hair and to die for green eyes. He always wore torn jeans, which were usably too long, and any tee shirt he could find.

After school one day we heard a train coming. Everyone was daring Sam to walk across the track as the train pasted us. So Sam being Sam he couldn’t pass up a dare.

The last person to it do was Sam’s dad. “Hey, if my dad can do it I can do it,” was his exact words. I tired to beg him to stop, but it was no use he had his mine made up.

He looked at me before he started to go, “Next time I see you I’ll be one the other side.” He pointed to the other side of the track. He had fear in his eye I could see it.

He started to go. “I love you Sam!” I yelled.

Sam stopped in the right in the middle of the tracks. The train seemed to be coming faster and faster each second. Sam pulled and pulled but he wouldn’t go anywhere. He’s paints were stuck on a nail. Once I noticed it I feel to my knees and started to cry. The train was gone and so was Sam.

My parents tried to take me home. But I didn’t want to leave, so all I did was scream.

We were all band from the track, but I still went everyday after school, just wishing I’d see him on the other side the track. Sam was my best friend, my first love, my everything! I’ve never love anyone else since.

Everyday on the day he pasted away I leave a black rose on the tracks at which he had died. It’s been ten years to day sense we all lost Sam. That’s why I here today. I can hear the train coming, faster and faster each second. My time here is done and I’ll see him on the other side.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 7 2011 at 3:46 pm
Odessa_Sterling00 DIAMOND, No, Missouri
87 articles 108 photos 966 comments

Favorite Quote:
All gave some, some gave all. -War Veterans headstone.

Really sad love story.  Great job, keep writing!  Coudl you check out some of my work?