I Love You | Teen Ink

I Love You

February 11, 2009
By Carleigh Foutch BRONZE, Double Oak, Texas
Carleigh Foutch BRONZE, Double Oak, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The rubbery gray floor squeaked as Liv's pink ballet shoe spun across the smooth surface. The Ballet Studio was totally silent; you could hear every mistake Liv made. Whether it was a fall, or a falter, you could hear it, which irritated Liv to the highest degree. It had to be perfect.

What had to be perfect, you ask? Everything. She spun half-way around, so that she was facing the mirror, her shocked and confused expression, staring back at her. She looked exactly like her mother, the same wide, hazel eyes and the same thick ringlets which framed her perfectly symmetrical face. Thinking of her mother, her tiny hand flew to her chest, where a golden locket, shaped like a heart, with the small intricate designs, sat, connected to a gold chain.
It contained a picture of her and her mother. They were on the beach. They were building a sand castle, and they'd asked a nice man to take their picture. For her fifteenth birthday, Liv had received the locket with the picture already enclosed in the safe little space, where nothing could touch it.

Liv sighed. 'I miss you, Mom.' She said. 'I wish you could see me now, you'd be so, so proud!' she whispered to her reflection.

Tonight, the studio which she lived in was hosting an Arts 'N Dance performance, and Liv had choreographed her own dance, as well as her group dance, with seven other girls. She sighed again. Her mother often talked about how proud of Liv she always was.
'Liv, darling, you never cease to amaze me.' Her mother often said.

Her mother had died when Liv was only 13. The coincidence was that 13 was the unlucky number. When her mother had died, Liv had been shipped to live with her Aunt Joy. She loved her Aunt Joy, don't get me wrong, but she still missed her mother and cried herself to sleep every night. Her mother's death had made a huge impact on her life, it still gave her nightmares, and she often woke up screaming. When she had come to live in New York, with Aunt Joy, music had been her vice. Music healed the pain and it was something she excelled at. Dancing was something she enjoyed and so, she had pursued it, and had gotten a scholarship to Julliard! Music and dancing was so important to her, she had let it take over her when she just couldn't cope with reality. She knew that even when she went to Julliard this September, even if her Mom could see her now, she'd be extremely proud.

She missed her mother more than she could put into words.

Liv and her mother had done absolutely everything together! They went to the beach, mall, ice skating. Her mom was like her best friend! When her first boyfriend dumped her, Liv had told her mom, who listened and at 2:30 in the morning, made hot fudge sundaes and ordered pizza from the 24-hour Pizza Palace. Then, they watched different movies. After that, it was already 6:30 A.M.! They slept all day and Liv was still tired the next day.

When Liv arrived home, there was a letter for her, sitting on her Aunt's table.

'What's this?' Liv wondered aloud.

It was a letter from her mother, written years ago. The year her mother found out she was sick.

My darling, I don't know how to tell you this, so, I'll just say it. I've been diagnosed with lung cancer, and there's nothing the doctor's can do. If this scares you, I'm sorry, but you deserved to know. I'm scared too, if it helps. I don't know what's going to happen to me. I've sent this to your Aunt Joy so she can send it to you when you've come to stay. I love you, Liv. More than life itself. I want you to know, that no matter what happens to me. I love you so much; I can't even put it into words. Liv, you are the sunshine to my rainy day, the moon to my starry night. Just remember, I love you, I always have and I always will.
My darling,

Liv felt tears springing to her eyes and running down her cheeks. She held the letter close to her heart, she loved her mother too. And missed her as well. So, she knew what she had to do now, she had to dance her heart out on stage tonight, for her, her pride, and, most importantly; for her Mom.

*This story does not pertain to true events in my life*

The author's comments:
This is the first piece of mine that has been published publicly. I'm very exited and hope you all like it! This story does not pertain to true events in my life.

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This article has 1 comment.

misskonas009 said...
on Mar. 29 2009 at 11:52 pm
aww, carleigh! it made me tear up at the end! congrats on getting published! (:

Love, aurora<33 haha!!