ready for the world | Teen Ink

ready for the world

December 24, 2014
By goron45 BRONZE, FOREST PARK, Illinois
goron45 BRONZE, FOREST PARK, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
every is a genius but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree it will go its whole life believing it is stupid. Albert Einstein

its a small world is it not? it is not, for if it was a small world we would be able to learn everything, meet everyone and travel everywhere. a small world is lived in by a smalll man who has not learned much, not meet a lot of people and has not traveled out of his safe zone or even tried. the world in general is quite big, and with a big world comes big dreams from little people. we are all little people who live in a big world, for if it was a small world we would be titans. we would be giants, snaching our dreams from the stars without even trying! everything would be easy including dying! he was good at..... she was the best at.... now could no one beat him in.... we would all be average and forgotten because of it. average talent, average skills, average dreams and average brains all at thier peak, but we would all be the same. we would be all equals! there would be no gifts no talents no potential if. if we lived in a samll world.


but we live in a big world. where everyone has a purpose, a reason for being. you look in the dictionary of life and find that yours has meaning. but most do not define thier definition, because it seems thats as a human being is the hardest thing to do. the sky is the limit, but some are scared to move up, so they build a roof. but we each know why we would let a rainbow of misfortune cloud our blue skies. but our rainbows are gone and our blue skies turn gray the sunshines the only thing that stays. because the sun shines like our dreams, hence the fraze: shoot for the stars. but do not be afraid, there will be unhappy days. tis only normal that you frown. when you shoot for the stars you must first get lost in the clouds. and yes you will get mad but so what scream aloud! you are fasr from useless! your mnid is a lightbolb, your body a power house let no storm blow your fuses!but just in case the storm wins. go hit the switch on the fuse box and start over again.


when the strom is over, ther is no sorrow no tradgeties. your life wont be perfect but it will be worth it to see your spirit soar unaffected by gravity, to get to the sun. you wont get the stars you were reaching for because you have become one. if, and only if we live in a big world.s o out of the small world and the big world which one will you choose. i hpoe its not the lesser of the two. but who am i to judge you. so just ask yourself. which world am i ready for.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 29 2014 at 7:46 pm
@goron45 This text was pretty inspirational!