The Christmas Miracle | Teen Ink

The Christmas Miracle

October 16, 2014
By Anonymous

It was a cold winter’s morning.  It had just begun to snow when Mama came in and said, “It’s snowing mighty hard out there.”  

Grandpa said, “Yeah it is.”  

Jimmy ran into the kitchen and said, “Mom, can I go outside and go sledding with Timmy.”  

Mom said, “Yes.  Be sure to bundle up tightly.  It’s very cold out there.”  

Jimmy began to get ready to go outside.  Jimmy was going to go sledding with Timmy, his best friend and neighbor.  Just then the doorbell rang.  It was Timmy.  The boys left and went to the old Henderson Place down the street.  It had a huge hill in the backyard, perfect for sledding.  Right away, Jimmy and Timmy started sledding.

Meanwhile, Mama started making coffee for Bill, the grandfather.  They sat down and began drinking the coffee.  Bill said “I don’t know how we are going to make it this Christmas holiday. The bills are high, the income is low, and your husband, John, just lost his job at the wood plant.       

Mama said "I know, times are going to be tight this year; I just don’t know how we are going to make it, We have kids to feed, gifts to buy, and clothes to get.”  Grandpa sighed.  

Jimmy and Timmy came in and got some hot chocolate from mama.  The two boys drank their hot chocolate and went back sledding.  They ran back to the Henderson Place and continued sledding on the big hill in the back yard.  

The house that Jimmy and his family lived in was old and worn out. The walls were cracked, had water damage, and were leaning.  The family could barely afford to eat.  Both parents had to have two jobs just to make ends meet.  

One day John came home and said that they were going to cut his other job at the meat packaging plant since the plant is shutting down due to the economy.  Mom said “were going to have to cut back and do the best we can.”                                      
The snow started to come down harder.  It was getting dark, so Timmy and Jimmy decided it was time to go home.  As Timmy went into his house, he waved goodbye to Jimmy.  “See you tomorrow, Jimmy.  Maybe we can go sledding again.  There’s sure to be enough snow to play in.  How about we build an igloo?”
Jimmy replied, “I don’t know if I’ll be able to come.  We are supposed to go see my Aunt.  She’s still in the hospital.  Maybe I’ll have time to go sledding when we get back.”
“Alright, Jimmy.  See you then,” said Timmy.

Jimmy walked into the kitchen where the rest of his family was.  Mama was cooking supper and he could smell something good.  Everyone gathered around the table to eat.  After saying grace, Mama gave everyone a bowl of vegetable soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.  Jimmy said, “Mama, when are we going to start decorating for Christmas?  We need to go buy a tree.  I saw the biggest tree I had ever seen at the…”

Mama stopped Jimmy before he could say anything else.  “Uh, Jimmy.  I’m afraid we will not be buying our tree this year.  Your dad is going to go find one in the woods behind the Henderson Place.  You can go help him if you want.”

At first, Jimmy was going to complain about not buying a tree like they always did.  But, Mama suggested that Timmy could go along and help pick out the tree, too.  Mama wanted this Christmas to be the best one ever, even without a lot of money.  She was determined to make it just as nice as all the ones in the past.

Jimmy excitedly replied, “Dad, can we go tomorrow after we get home from visiting Aunt Rosie?”  
Dad said, “Not tomorrow son, I have a big job interview down at the marina.  They need someone to clean the boats that come in after a day of fishing.  It’s not the greatest job, but it pays good money and I’ll be off on Sundays.”

“Oh, alright,” sighed Jimmy.  “But let’s go as soon as we can!”

“I agree son,” said Dad.

The next day, the whole family went to see Aunt Rosie at the hospital.  The snow was still falling lightly.  As soon as they had pulled into the driveway, Jimmy could see Timmy walking towards his house.  “Hey Timmy,” yelled Jimmy.  “You want to go sledding now?”

Timmy shouted back, “That’s what I was coming to your house for.  Hurry up and get your play clothes on.”
In a few minutes, Jimmy and Timmy were behind the old Henderson Place once again.  Jimmy asked Timmy, “Would you like to come with my dad and I to find a Christmas tree?”

“Sure!  My family is getting an artificial tree from Target.  Our tree from last year isn’t big enough any one.  Where are we going?”  Asked Timmy.

“Well, we aren’t buying a tree this year.  Dad thought it would be neat if we cut down a real one in the woods.  He wants to look in the woods right over there,” Jimmy said as he pointed toward the forest behind the big hill.
Timmy replied, “Cut down a real tree?  That sounds cool!  My dad has never done anything like that.  He just tells mom to go buy whatever she needs or wants.”

Timmy and Jimmy had fun the rest of the afternoon, swishing and swooshing down the hill.  It began to get dark, so both boys went home.

The next day, Jimmy and Timmy headed toward the old Henderson Place once again.  But this time, it wasn’t to go sledding.  Jimmy’s Dad was right behind them with his big, sharp axe.  They were going to find the best Christmas tree ever.  As the three of them ventured into the woods, Jimmy spotted the biggest tree he had ever seen.

“Dad, look at that beautiful tree!”  Jimmy shouted.  “It’s perfect!  Can we get it?”

Dad responded, “Son, I think you are right.  You boys stand back so I can chop it down.”  
It took Dad almost a half an hour to chop it down, but the tree was worth it.  When Mama opened the door and saw the tree, she was so happy.  Tears were streaming down her face.

Dad stopped and asked, “Honey, what’s wrong?  Has something happened to Aunt Rosie?”

Mama tearfully replied, “No!  The tree is just so beautiful.  Hurry up and bring it in.  I can’t wait to decorate it.”
Dad carefully placed the tree in the living room, right in front of the big window where everyone could see it as they drove by.  The whole family gathered around and began to help Mama put the lights and ornaments on the tree.  All of sudden, the phone rang.  Dad said, “I’ll get it.”

The rest of the family continued decorating the tree.  Bill said, “This really is the best tree ever!”

“I agree,” said Jimmy.  “I don’t know why we never have thought of cutting down a tree before.”

Just then, Dad ran back into the room.  Everyone looked at him, wondering why he was in such a hurry.  Mama asked, “John, why are you running?”

Dad proudly announced that he had gotten the job at the marina.  “I start tomorrow, if the snow lets up.”

Everyone cheered.  Mama and Dad looked at each other in amazement.  Maybe this Christmas won’t be so bad after all.  

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