Music Box | Teen Ink

Music Box

November 10, 2012
By Rin1302 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Rin1302 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"From what I've tasted of disire, I vote thoughs who favor fire"

Use your imagination. Picture what you are reading. Word for word, image for image.

A girl sits by herself in a room. Her body’s weak and frail. Every day she is helped out of bed, trying to learn how to stand. A few small steps every day is what gives her glass like heart hope. She falls and stubbles every move she makes. Sitting outside, watching her siblings play, brings depression and envy.

She promised herself she would try harder and harder every day. Every chance she got. But sadly her faith and determination was futile. She was never able to stand on her own.

Another girl stands behind the man she is so madly in love with. Watching as he flirts and holds other women. Her heart breaks silently; her cries for his love go unnoticed and untended to. She waits and eternity for him to just kiss her once.

She cries at his wedding. Knowing she will never get to be in his arms. Knowing she will forever be without him in her life. But to please him, she smiles and laughs. She is later put into a hospital. Over time, her organs began to fail. She had found out the day of the wedding and promised herself she would never tell. On her death bed, she lets the last of her tears flow. She knows she will never see the sun again, or feel the crisp cold winds of winter. Her last breath is her dying breath.

I do not own the music or the video.

The author's comments:
This is something I just came up with while listening to a song and after having a fight with someone I care about.

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