Forever 15 | Teen Ink

Forever 15

August 25, 2012
By Kayla619 BRONZE, Poplar Grove, Illinois
Kayla619 BRONZE, Poplar Grove, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life Is Beautiful.

11 year old Hallie and her 15 year old brother Jace get into a lot of fights, and one night they had gotten into the biggest fight that Hallie told Jace that she wishes that he would die.

Well, the next morning Hallie goes into Jace's room to wake him up and he wasn't in his bed. She figured that he was spending the night at a friends house, but that wasn't the case.

Hallie looked down and saw her brother laying down on the floor, as she flipped him over, Hallie as shocked as she was she was speechless. She saw Jace's face colored purple and blue. A few seconds later, Hallie screamed. Jace is dead!

Hallie's mom, Susan was down stairs, she heard Hallie screaming and crying. Susan was trying to get up the stairs as fast as she could but she kept sliding down. When Susan finally got to Jace's room she dropped to her knees and started to cry.

John, then woke up and rushed to the bedroom and quickly got Hallie into another room so she wouldn't have to see Jace. Hallie repeatedly kept saying "I want my brother!" John was shocked and he didn't know what to do so he thought the smart thing to do was to immediately call 9-1-1.

When the ambulance got there, they asked to talk to Hallie so she can answer a few questions, but she wasn't able to talk. All she did was stare off into space, like staring at a blank wall.

When everyone went home, the first words Hallie said was "It's All my fault." Susan and John looked at her in amazement and they asked her "How was it your fault?" She told them that they got into a fight and she told him that she wishes he would die. Then Hallie said, "He will Be forever 15."

The author's comments:
My brother inspired me in writing this short story because this was based on a really story and the little girl Hallie, is me. The point of it is that a few or even more words can effect the rest of somebody's life.

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