A Small Break | Teen Ink

A Small Break

March 3, 2012
By ButterflyAgeha BRONZE, Dededo, Other
ButterflyAgeha BRONZE, Dededo, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was just another ordinary Saturday afternoon for anyone as the sun's rays were still casting its bright shadow on the land while its golden beans of light emphasized the pale, blue colored skies above our heads. This whole scene just oozed of beatific beauty while capturing my entire well-being and drowning my soul in its peaceful elegance. I am sure that no one can abnegate themselves from such a breath-taking view without pausing and taking just one glance before they move on. I sit here in the company of the wooden park bench beneath me as I take a slow drink of my refreshing, cold carton of chocolate milk through a straw while it brings in a comfortable warmth to my heart. This warmth can only be described as happiness. It just feels right to sit here and bask in the ambiance of this heart-warming event before me. For once, I felt like there was a ballast in my life and it leaves me in a satisfactory state of pure bliss like everything was just perfect. What more could I ask for?

I took a long sip from my drink, savoring the sweet, sugary, chocolate flavor across my tongue. My eyes soften as relaxation splashes throughout my body, making me lean more against the curved back of the bench. I see masses of people walk past by me, but not one takes notice of my presence. They are all involved in their daily chit-chat and chatter with one another, but I do not hear a word that comes out from their mouths, not with my headphones blocking out all their noisy cacophonies that will clash with the tranquil silence I am experiencing now. Besides, I have no need to hear what they say especially any captious comments, defamatory remarks, cantankerous statements, or vicious calumnies that could shatter the peace. All I wanted right now was to enjoy my drink of chocolate milk, watch the world go by, and abandon reality.

I took another long sip of my chocolate beverage feeling the cool liquid dance around inside my mouth. a small smile forms from my lips wrapped around the straw and it felt like time had becalmed itself immediately but I did not mind one bit. I deeply wanted this moment to last for an eternity if not longer. I needed to balk from life once in a while and enjoy this simple relaxation as much as I could while all my stress abated from my mind. I felt all the burdens upon my shoulders just miraculously vanish. There was no weight pushing me down and I can lift my head up high again.

I close my eyes as I take in every last drop of chocolate milk into my mouth, emptying the small brown box of all it's worth. My eyes reopen and the world just seemed more vibrant than ever as I let out a happy chocolate-scented sigh come out past my lips, leaving me with just a big grin plastered on my face. It feels good to take a breather every now and then to look at things in a new and bright perspective. It surprises me every time how different things can be and how it lifts up my spirits with new determination that I was sure that was gone until now. I felt light as a feather like I could float all the way to cloud nine and that nobody can stop me.

I leave my spot from the bench and throw my empty box in the trash bin behind me just before I take one more look at my surroundings. I removed my headphones from my ears and I am greeted with sound once again as time resumes itself. Although I am reluctant to leave the safety of my sanctuary , I know I have to go back and face my problems. If I do not, I will forever be running away like a coward as everyone else faces all their hardships head on. I will not be able to grow as a person as I will be forever stuck running around in the same place over and over again. I do not want that. As I take one step forward, I am progressing back into reality once more. As I resume my journey with each step leading me ahead, I look forward to the next time I can just sit down, watch the world go on, and have another carton of cold chocolate milk to warm my weary soul in my time of need. I will come back again in the near and promising future.

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