"The Strange Man" | Teen Ink

"The Strange Man"

November 6, 2011
By Brooke Hinerman BRONZE, Belleveiw, Florida
Brooke Hinerman BRONZE, Belleveiw, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The waves crash through the silky sand as little animals dig deeper into the

ground. I run down the pier to grab my fishing pole. The clouds roll in as if an enormous

storm is about to hit. I put it in a comfortable grip and glance around to find my dad. No

one is in sight and I am quite scared thinking I am all alone.I spot a man in the distance. I

sprint to him, thinking it would be my father. The strange man is seeping over the railing,

with sorrow and depression in his hazel eyes. I yell out to this around 40 year old man,

"Sir are you okay?" With no response, I begin to walk away. Hearing a slight sniffle; I

turn around to see tears speeding down his bright, red cheeks.

He begins to explain how he was in the army with his best friend. If he would

have stayed in the same location at that time, none of this would have happened. He would

have gotten the bullet through his chest not the only person he actually cared about! The

man cries harder as I try to get information from him, so I can get someone to get him

down from the steep railing.The man screams saying "Why, why couldn't it just be me?" I

try to bring him comfort by saying, "Hes still here with you, looking over you." He tells

me that he wanted to give up when he saw his blood covering the rocks, his purple tone

of skin, and his eyes in the back of his head, but he had to fight for his country! I looked

him in the eyes feeling so terrible. He cried harder losing his grip. I told him to come

back over so he would be safe from not falling. He looked below at the violent waves

crashing on the rocks and cried softly, "I am sorry, but this life is not fair anymore, that

should have been me lying dead on the damp ground with a singe bullet occupying my

aching chest. A puzzled look comes to my face as he jumps into the sharp rocks below.

As he fell to his death, he whispered with a faint smile on his face, " I am coming for you


The author's comments:
I hope people see that life is not always fair.

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