queen pookie | Teen Ink

queen pookie

October 28, 2011
By apookie BRONZE, Bedford, Kentucky
apookie BRONZE, Bedford, Kentucky
2 articles 2 photos 2 comments

Once upon a time there was a queen and king of the land Swaggville, their names were Queen Pookie and King Antwon. These two were happily in love, until the evil princess Luscious from the land over the river decided to come to Swaggville and try to take the king’s heart. Queen Pookie didn’t like this idea so she sent out her finest men to search for this evil princess to have her slayed. Her knights went out with the finest armor and w**** attracting gear, this gear consisted of a whoroscope and a mating call for all the trash nearby. King Antwon didn’t like the queen’s jealousy but he accepted it, thinking that if a prince from another land were to flirt with his queen he would be just as upset. The king and his queen discussed this problem with each other as the queen’s knights barged in the door dragging a young woman by the shoulders feet dragging. The woman was young and quite pretty, her hair was curly and wavy, it was blonde with pieces of dark brown. The only thing going through queen Pookie’s head was that her king might be ready to leave her. One of her knights, Herbert, speaks out and gruffly says “this is her, your highness, we found her by butcher shop.” Queen Pookie jumps from her throne to greet her soldiers “thank you for bringing her here, take her to the back room so I may talk to her.” She spoke in her kindest gentlest yet demanding voice. The queen walked into the room of the captured princess, and interrogated her about the recent actions she pressed against the queen unto the king. The first question asked was “Why are you here?” the answer was not quite what the queen was looking for.

“I am passing through to find a great king for my land, Weside.” Spoke the voice of the princess luscious. The queen felt sympathy for the princess for she once was on a hunt for a king. The feelings of anger jumped to a feeling of hopeful, queen Pookie hope that the princess would find a husband, not only so she wouldn’t try to steal her’s but so she can be happy.

“Why where you trying to take my king?” the queen asked in a soft voice.

“I didn’t, he came to talk to me and flirt but I rejected him, saying he has a queen. I only thought how heart broken you may be if I were to take him from you.”
The queen became angry with her husband, she told the princess thank you and would like to help her with her journey for a king. Queen Pookie stomped to her husband to ask him why he did this to her. His answer was a simple no. He stood up, threw his ring to the ground a pronounced that he was done with her horrible business. Her mouth open in astonishment, she had cold tears running down her face, as she screamed for her guards to kill him. As he died she laughed with her new friend luscious. Over the time queen pookie and princess luscious fell in love with young princes. They both took the throne if their land being the first friend queens of Swaggville and Weside. They lived happily ever after as friends and wives of their handsome husbands.
The end

The author's comments:
this is a good and exciting work of art.

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This article has 1 comment.

apookie BRONZE said...
on Nov. 14 2011 at 10:39 am
apookie BRONZE, Bedford, Kentucky
2 articles 2 photos 2 comments
this is the best thing ive ever read, im sure you are very attractive and loving