Wistful Memories | Teen Ink

Wistful Memories

October 22, 2011
By BaileyLovessYou BRONZE, Jackson, Michigan
BaileyLovessYou BRONZE, Jackson, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available." ~Jim Beggs

It was cold that night, a light breeze tickling the stray hairs on my arm. The tower struck midnight about 20 miles away, and the stars felt like they were now shining as bright as ever. We were in a field, perhaps 10 feet away from menacing, darkened woodland. There she stood, my everlasting love, facing the full moon. I started to walk towards her, cautious of my steps. Her back was to me, and she was motionless. I made the long trek through the grassland, feeling what seemed forever because I was so baffled that she was there. I stood behind her, wrapped my arms around the petite body. Then she was gone, like a cloud of smoke she vanished. I dropped to my knees. She was gone, she had been gone for 2 years now, and she's not coming back. I laid there for a while, remembering her long blond hair, that smile she smiled whenever I came home from work, those bright green eyes full of ambition. I remember the way she curled her toes in bed, and her soft breathing. Her hand fit perfectly against mine. I smiled thinking of the specific way she always did her hair, and the day before, we found out she was pregnant. If only I hadn't worked that day, if only the driver saw where he was going, if only..

It was all cut short because of that d*mn bus not stopping. Half of my life disappeared within a second that day, a part of me that I'm never going to get back no matter how much I want it. Tears welled in my eyes, blinding the brightness of the stars above me. Blurring my vision so I couldn't see anything. I missed her, she was my wife, my eternity, my life, my everything. Why did this have to happen to me?

The author's comments:
I know it's sad, but I was in the mood to write something that happens a lot in many peoples' lives. Tell me what you think. (:

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