A Tradition | Teen Ink

A Tradition

October 11, 2011
By Carissa-Catastrophe BRONZE, Gary, Indiana
Carissa-Catastrophe BRONZE, Gary, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Oh, you're dating my ex. That's cool. I'm eating a sandwich. You want those leftovers too?!

In February of 2009 my brother Josh died. It was a horrible experience. One that I never want to re-live. Me and six others lost a brother, kids lost a father and uncle, and my parents lost a son. Aside from losing a brother I lost a best friend.

In May, my oldest brother Tommy decided to throw a party. May second is Josh’s birthday and every year around or on that day we celebrate his birthday for him. We have a huge cook out and just hang out. It’s a lot of fun.
All year we choose to block out our loss, and on this day we choose to let our hurt show. All year we stay strong and hold back tears and on this day we cry just like we did the day he died.

Tommy buys a bunch of “Happy Birthday” balloons just like we would if he were here. Except now, towards the end of the day we write on them. We tell him how much we miss him, and how much we love him. And then set them free to float as high as they can. Hoping that some how they might actually reach him.

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