You're Beautiful | Teen Ink

You're Beautiful

March 20, 2011
By LoverofMusic SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
LoverofMusic SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The hideous, disgusted, distorted figure staring back put a musty taste in her mouth. She clenches her fist tight as compacted as bricks. Looking in the mirror was her worst nightmare. Her paper masha skin stretched thin around her fragile toothpick bones. The darken bags hung underneath her hazel eyes. Long black brittle hair pulls from head down to her shoulder. A frown painted over her sicken face. “Will the word beautiful ever describe me?” she asked herself disappoint. She plaster make up on to her face, making her selflook like a Barbie doll. Her thin eyebrow she destroyed was filled in with an eyebrow pencil. Thick black eyeliner outline her eyes. Black eye shadow cover her eyelids. She still frown even with all the makeup plaster on her face. She still felt unattractive. She glare at the plate of food on her nightstand that her mother brought up hoping she will eat something for once. She grinded her straight white teeth full of rage and hate. Her rage boiled like water. She was disgusted at the sight of food. Disgusted at the thought of putting that stuff into her system. She lifted the plate with her hands grip tight that he knuckles turn white. She threw it across her room at her princess pink walls. The plate crumble like dirt from the forceful impact. The mash potatoes slide down the wall like slim. She scream as tears of hate spill from her eye “You’re not going to stop me from being beautiful!” On her knees she weep no more of this she wanted. Half way dead and cold to the bone she look deep inside and knew she had to go. She never knew how beautiful she was. She wouldn’t have understood why everyone cried on the night she died. She didn’t want to see the beauty she had inside.

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