Paradise Park | Teen Ink

Paradise Park

December 9, 2010
By Chelle BRONZE, Salina, Kansas
Chelle BRONZE, Salina, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All you can do is your very best, and then let the good Lord do the rest."

The world is full of majestically beautiful landmarks. Some are large and well known to the public, while others are smaller and known only by select groups of people, who praise their beauty. I love nature and always have. Out of all the land around this world I have one favorite beautiful park I can go to, to just get away from my everyday life.

My favorite place is full of fresh green grass in the summer and a beautiful iceland in the winter. It is roughly five minutes South of Abilene. There is always a smell of fresh spring water mixed with various plants and trees creating my own never ending paprika. There is always a bright yellow, orange, red, blue, and purple sunset that fades into complete darkness letting all the beautiful stars shine their brightest. This is my Browns Park; my park of joy, relaxation, and meditation.

Ever since I was little my mother had brought me here at least once a year. That short five minute drive seemed it took like hours. My excitement and joy of the freedom I would receive in just a few minutes would never cease to overwhelm me. As we would turn into the drive of my park I would begin to transform. I would leave the boring everyday person I always felt I was, and turn into whatever my heart desired. Be it a princess of the animals that swarmed the park, or a fairy who lived by the clear blue waterfall that ran under the creaky old wooden bridge.

I have grown up quite a bit since then, but I still go back regularly to my paradise park. I enjoy going there when I’m down and upset, or when I have very difficult life decisions to make. Just simply driving into the drive, I take a deep breath of that fresh, crisp air, and all my problems from work, relationships, family, or even school start to untangle themselves into solutions. They become simple solutions that I feel I should have already known, but if I weren’t lucky enough to have my park to instantly relax and calm me I would have never figured them out.
I’m not for sure what calms me down so quickly, possibly it’s from the sight of the geese swarming the little pond, squalling their loudest to ward off their enemies. Or maybe it’s the little squirrels racing and jumping from tree to tree. As I the drive further through the park, I take in every winding turn and blossomed tree. On days that I am very stressed out and tense, I go to my beloved park simply to drive through it.
Every tree, squirrel, flower, and even landmark in this park does its own part to help me forget my problems and focus on what my real challenges are. I can think more clearly and can feel myself unwind by its presence. They all blend together to form this perfect palace of peace and beauty. Here, I have made plentiful indispensable memories that have made me who I am today.
Memories of it being a perfect summer picnic with just enough wind to tussle my hair but not too much to make the food go flying in every direction. The picnic would not be the same without this park, for its whispering waters telling all the secrets of its past, if I can just listen close enough. My park is an exhilarating evening run in the wilderness forcing me to push myself till my legs turn to rubber with a playful puppy nipping at my heels, to help as guidance along the way. My park is full of secret nature walks which never cease to amaze me with new surprises around every corner. It is a creepy Halloween fright-night trail with a beautiful harvest moon decoration. The park is my discreet place to run to when I just need to let everything out, and no one will ever know I lost my cool. My park has been and will be there for every change in my life. From break-ups, to family deaths, to even someday marriage I know I will always be able to rely on my park.
The paradise park has comforted me by being a shoulder to cry on when I lose some of the most important people in my life. It has been a private get-away where no one in the world could find or bother me. A playmate that is always teaching me new life lessons, like responsibility and perseverance. My park has been a secret sanctuary; I have gotten to share with the ones I care about the most. Even though this park has done so much for me, the most important and altruistic part of this park is the natural beauty.
The bright and beautiful stars shining in the dusk of the night. The cool calm water that splashes and sparkles as it runs gently runs over my bare white feet. Dew that is always fresh in the morning playfully tickles the bottoms of my pants, while cool crisp air brightens my senses. The sight of the old wheat field in the North West direction passionately dancing in the wind brings joy to my heart. Every part of this park is beautiful. I wish we had more simple beautiful landmarks like this, that people like I could freely go to, just to create those life-lasting memories and lessons. I know others would feel the same way about it as I do if they got the opportunity to explore my park of paradise and take in all it has to offer.

The author's comments:
I am a seventeen year old senior at Chapman High School. I graduate from High School in ten days and start college right away the following semester at Kansas Weslyan.

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