Best Bitches | Teen Ink

Best Bitches

October 25, 2010
By mckittykat55 SILVER, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
mckittykat55 SILVER, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The crippled cow never gave up

"What the hell Margaret?"
You know what I'm talking about. Never give me any credit, take my boyfriends, scare away my other friends and all this other crap!"
"You know that's not true, don't give up our friendship for this s***!"
I threw open the door and ran, just ran into the night.
"I'll send someone for my stuff!" I screamed at increasingly shrinking spot of light that was our apartment.
Where was I going? Who would I stay with? I had given her everything and I would be damned if I was letting her have one more thing. I would never go to her, ever. I loved her and she was gone. Funny, best friends implies the fact that when your heart gets smashed into a million piece, your best friend will be there to put you back together, boys, school, other friends, they're always there,ALWAYS, yet when they're the one doing the damage you can never know how long it will take to recover and be yourself to that level around someone else, the new best friend.

Julia had always been there, through the periods, the boys, the fights with parents and the ever grueling college thingy, which they have yet to invent a name for the hell that this entails. She was there, the never-ending fountain of love that was a best friend. I returned the favor, taking her through crazy-a** boyfriends, the college thingy, and everything else I could.

We had planned to rent an apartment together if we got into the same school, and we had, two years ago. Syracuse, journalism for me, and teaching for her. We went everywhere and did everything side-by-side. I was a fixture in her life and her family had accepted as some sort of twisted fourth daughter.

We had our little disagreements yet we respected them. Julia being a staunch liberal and me being an Independent with a hardcore conservative upbringing.

Yet I never thought this would happen. The tears streaked down my face, burying my face in my sore arms I sat down on the curb and bawled. I realized I was still wearing my sports bra and shorts from the workout I had been in when the final fight had taken me away from someone I loved more then most things in life, including life itself. I looked around, I saw a man a few blocks down. He meant nothing. I looked down, remembering that day we met, middle school, unto graduation and the freshman year of Syracuse. We were always best friends. Never once could I point out a point where I "hated her" or wished her harm. But now, I could never hate her, but I could come close. I knew the girl could never have the dream college, the BEST friend, the guy and safety of saying it would last for more then a fixture of a few weeks.

I had met Jim at a party the first week of freshmen year, we had been dating ever since, almost close to a year and a half. I thought he was going to be there forever, just like Julia. But he didn't cloud my herad now, what Julia did took precidence over him now. Bros before Hos and all that.

She had always somehow wound up with my exes, I never thought much about this. I just thought it was some odd coincidence. And when she had suddenly begun to act like she was ALWAYS right, I thought all we needed was a littel time apart, being us apart for a week, a little "me" time for both of us. That's when I went to Mexico for spring break, that's when things were supposed to get better.
They didn't
I came home to find her asleep, Jake, her boyfriend on the couch. I clicked on the computer, and smiled as I posted a status, "So happy to be back at school, Cabo can be one CRAZY TIME", tagging her in the process. I exited out, fully prepared to look out at the night one last time and go to sleep in my bed, across the room from hers, a slightly bigger one. I never thought her e-mail would come up and show an e-mail between her and my boyfriend, saying I was cheating on him with Jake. I was in shock. If it hadn't been two am I would have woken her up right then and questioned her involvement, begging her to tell me that a hacker had been doing something stupid and pointless, yet when I did get around to it, she looked with fake shock, throwing the emails away and quickly deleting it, these were not the actions of an innocent person. I wanted to forgive her, to let her know all she had to do was send an email to Jim explaining she was being stupid or playful and everything would be normal once more, I prayed every night for this.
She was showing remorse as well. Yet when Jim sent me the email, the email breaking up with me and threatening to block me if I ever came near him again, I knew she had to be tripping, I knew Jim would not believe me and would never speak to me if I contacted him, it had to come from her. I begged. It never happened. Today, I had snapped, I would never let her take me down. Going after Jim and I was just pathetic, how dare she. Again, I could NEVER hate her, she had meant to much for to long for that yet I could wish I had never seen that.

All the remembering had been enough time for the man who was on the street to gain a block on me. I watched him again and realized he was swinging his arms, trying to get . . my attention?

I stood up, squinting into the darkness.

"Margaret!" he yelled.

"Jim?" I called

He was running
I was dumbfounded. Had he not promised to block me?
Now I ran to get closer to him.
We met a block inbetween.
"Margaret! he called
Then I was being kissed before I could ask what was going on.
"What is happening?" I asked between the kiss.

"Julia called, she said you ran away, saying something about an email?"
"You said you would block!"
Jim cut me off.
"I was hacked, I was going to call you but my phone has been dead for a week now and you were in Mexico."
"But the email Julia sent?"

"That was Jake, he was jealous of the time that we've been spending together, he wanted that for Julia and him and he's just stupid!"
"Kiss me, don't question."
I pushed him away.
"Julia and Jake?"
"You me?"
"In love!"
"Me and JULIA?" I screamed.
I sprinted back the way I had came.
I ran through the door, smacking into JUlia, taking her down in one huge hug.
"YOU B****! You were just gonna let me leave, without chasing after me?" I playfully screamed.
"You pyscho, I was so worried, I called JIm because I figured you would believe him, do you think I would do that to you and Jim?
"You were acting so weird,I didn't know what to do?"
"That's because I knew something weird was going on with Jake, something weird involving you and Jim"
"I'm the most sorry person alive!"
"What kind of best friend do you think I am?" she asked, placing her hands on her tiny hip
"The best," I answered, giving her a sloppy kiss.

The author's comments:
My best friend would never do this, but I imagine a fight would be like this, crazy

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