The Path Less Traveled | Teen Ink

The Path Less Traveled

September 22, 2010
By ThomasLikesCheeseBalls BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
ThomasLikesCheeseBalls BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Get er' done!" Larry the Cable Guy

My hand grips the handle of the door; it is surprisingly difficult to open.
My hand cries out, "No please it pains me to try." I never listen. The door bursts open revealing a world of wonder, and amazement, I shed a tear. This world full of beauty, picks me up, and hugs me. A hug feeling as if all troubles are to be forgotten. I cry; the world cries with me we understand each other. Father Time and Mother Nature watch me as I cross through life, walking not running. I want this to last; for all it is life.

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