At the Altar | Teen Ink

At the Altar

July 10, 2010
By Claudia-Amador234 BRONZE, West Roxbury, Massachusetts
Claudia-Amador234 BRONZE, West Roxbury, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Apartments were stuck together, side by side, on a summer evening. As the evening turned into night a french man ordered a pasta dinner with wine and they requested the food to brought to the apartment. When the food arrived at their doorstep, they pulled out their newest silverware and plates.
She said, “ I can’t believe we have not opened these plates since the wedding.”

“Well we did not have the time to sit at a dinner table,” the man said.
The woman gazed at their wedding photos across the mantel of the fireplace and she realized that she should have not made the sacrifice at the altar.
The man woke her up from her reverie by saying “Are you ready to eat.’’

“Yes I,am,”the woman said.

“I was just looking at our wedding photos.”

“Oooh, I remember that day, you looked magnificent in your white dress”, the man said with a smile on his face.

“ But you were unhappy at the altar”

“I was not sure if I made the right choice”, the woman said.

“What do you mean”, the man said

“You know what I mean, the sacrifice”, the woman said.

“We agreed the night before while drinking cocktails”,the man said.

“Do you remember?”

“Yes, I do recall that night”, the woman said.

“I want to be like the past, before we wed.”

“You know, when we were not binded to each other and our days were fill with uncertainy.”

“Are we going to argue about this again”, the man said.

“You know that I love you and I will always take care of you.”

“Can’t you just trust me without questioning my intentions.”
The woman pulled her chair and walked towards the man.She gently placed her hand on his shoulder and with the other hand caress his face.

She said, “Can we go to bed when we finish our dinner, Please.”

“Im sorry if I hurt you”, the man said while holding his hands against hers.

“I feel fine”, the woman said.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by Hills like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway.

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