Christmas Eve | Teen Ink

Christmas Eve

June 23, 2010
By Anonymous

Montego’s light green eyes sparkled with admiration at the sight he beheld on that snowy Christmas Eve. Slowly, he pressed his face against the icy glass window in hope of getting a clearer view of the warm, yellowish glow he first noticed when he passed by. A magnificent, posh ballroom with a beautiful diamond chandelier hanging in the centre of the room. As Montego scanned the room, he noticed that the candles were lit at all four corners with lavish spread of food served on the Russian wooden table located at the middle of the ballroom. The room itself was packed with guests, children to be more exact. The girls with their locks of curls wore fluffy vibrant colored dresses with silk stockings. The boys were smartly dressed and wore well polished shoes. What a spectacular sight it was!

Slowly, Montego closed his eyes and listened attentively to the lively classical music played by a group of professional musicians, he also heard the chatters of the children. Some spoke of the latest fashion, while others spoke of toys. The aroma of food …was it roasted turkey? Apple pies?....made Montego hungry and suddenly snapped out of his dreamland.

The bitter cold hard reality hit him hard in the face. He remembered that his mother sent him out to gather some leftover food. Unwillingly, he drew his attention away from the luxuries he longed for and gazed sadly across the silent, lifeless streets of London. It was going to be a long night.

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