Sunshine. - Part 2 | Teen Ink

Sunshine. - Part 2

September 13, 2009
By C.Paige GOLD, Norman, Oklahoma
C.Paige GOLD, Norman, Oklahoma
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"God teaches us things in mysterious ways. He teaches us love through heartbreak, He teaches us acceptance through failure, and He teaches us strength through the loss of things treasured." - C.O.

- My eyes flutter open. "Good morning sunshine." His voice, the blazing sun, and I'm the lucky ice cream cone. I blush. He grins. Smooth, chestnut hair, coppered skin, gleaming whites, and blinking seafoam crystals all gazing down at me. <i>I wonder if he knows he's perfect..</i>
- "Get up Sleepy Head. I made breakfast," he says as he skips back to the kitchen. This makes me giggle. <i>My God, he's amazing..</i> I roll out of bed and follow him down the hall. The cold wood on my feet and cinnamon in my nose both familar.
- I step into the kitchen to find him standing beside a fully set table, two plates in hand. I gasp. "Aww Eythan.. This looks great. You didn't have to do this." He simply gives me this look like he does this all the time. I walk over and take my plate from his hand. "You're the best," I say, leaning in to kiss him. Our faces close, his breath brushing my cheek, and that's when the phone rings..

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