We Wont Shut Up | Teen Ink

We Wont Shut Up

April 9, 2014
By Toxic-Barricade BRONZE, Danville, California
Toxic-Barricade BRONZE, Danville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Follow your inner moonlight, don't hide the madness, you say what you want to say when you don't care whose listening - Allen Ginsberg

Paris France, 1794

"Stop this nonsense! This is barbaric! Horrible! How many people must go to there deaths before you people see that the rich are not the problem! Everyone is at blame! We must all be equal and slaughtering, no murdering human beings will not help that at all!" A girl screams from a corner, filthy in her old dress and bare feet covered in mud. A few people stop to look at her, and soon a crowd of 10 or 20 people gather, shouting and cheering to her words.
Guards see this and sigh, "This girl has been causing too much attention." One speaks.
"Leave her, she looks but a child, 13 maybe. Leave her." They nod and look away from the scene.

"There is a starving, neglected, mad, and dying child lying up in that tower! He has done nothing but get born at the wrong place in the wrong time! How is this helping! He has no one! His mother and father and dead! He is alone! What are you doing to stop it!? Nothing!" She cries angrily, causing more roars to come from the crowd. The guards move forward, guns drawn, knowing she had taken it too far.

"Leave now and I will forget this girl!" The guard shouts, Dirty blue eyes stare back at him and seems to penetrate his very soul.

"No. France needs to hear the truth. I would rather die."
The guard laughs and shakes his head.
"What makes you think I will spare your life?"
"Nothing. It seems that all of France does not care about children's lives." She retorted before spitting on his shoes. "You disgust me."
The second raised his gun and aims it at her chest.
"One more word and you're dead!"
She simply smiles "Do your best." Than her face took on a heroic look and shouted " Kill me! Kill me and see if things get better! Kill me to set an example and kill me to shut me up! Kill me and our voices will still be heard! Kill me and WE won't shut up! Our voices will be heard!"
The gun went off, sending her flying. Screams went off in the crowd and a baby started crying, only to be hushed by a mother.
The girl smiles and raises a hand to salute the man who shot her
"See you in hell." She whispers and then turns her head to the crowd.
"Whose fault is it now? Gonna blame a child? He is the only living one left. Go on now blame him."
Blood spurted up from pale lips and in that moment a pin could be heard, because in that moment a life slowly drained from a body of a girl lying on the street. And in that moment the life of a boy, high up in a tower was begging to be set free, and in that moment a baby started to cry. And this time his mother cried with him. And Paris didn't care.
Because Paris was afraid.

The author's comments:
Reading about Louis-Charles the Dauphin of France during the time of the french revaluation inspired me to write this piece. I hope people will get a deeper meaning from this, and understand that the poor where the only ones who suffered.

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