Raging War (1863) | Teen Ink

Raging War (1863)

March 26, 2012
By WilliamN. BRONZE, New York, New York
WilliamN. BRONZE, New York, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Nothing would ever be the same...” I thought. A sudden boom hit the grounds of the southern territory. Sparks of light leapt out from the bang. Fear swept throughout my body shaking it swiftly back and forth. I worried more about my family and how to fight for the sake of their safety. Another cannon struck. My emotions overwhelmed me.

“...I have a beautiful wife and four wonderful children...won’t they...they’ll at least remember me...some of my neighbors are in the draft too...I must survive!” The strike of the next cannonball woke me from my daydreams. Through the light of the cannon, people, wood, garbage, and all kinds of items were flying outward as the screams of unlucky men were heard. Before the light died out, a shadowy figure on top of a small plateau noticed me. He swiftly yelled, “John, let’s go! There’s no time to lose!” I suddenly knew he was the commanding officer. I saw him occasionally, but not enough to know his name.

He stepped out of view and afterwards, the light died out and all went silent. I sprung out of my prone position and tried to run towards him. In my folly, I hit myself against some trees along the way. I felt my way up the rugged fielded slope. I climbed to the top quickly not knowing how short it was.

Boom went the cannon as it made its next shot! Its light flared as the cannonball went near our unit of soldiers running towards it. Some of them managed to evade the cannonball and ventured on the other side of the battlefield while the other half went flying. Just then, through its light and to my relief, I was able to see my troops. My sense of pride lifted as I noticed they looked ready and eager to fight the Confederates.

After the explosion, the battlefield went dark and the leader (I could tell by his notoriously bad breath) came up to me and warned, “Get in your position!” He grabbed me by the arm and shoved me into my group. I instantly knew that this commanding officer was tough. Afterwards, he gave the other soldiers the same order. As for myself, I was barely able to contain my irritation.

Another squad from the Union way ahead of us yelled “Charge!” and went further out. Immediately afterwards, a cannonball fired towards them. As the cannonball rumbled and hit some of our troops, an image of my comfortable cabin flashed through my mind. It’s on the countryside surrounded by freshly scented grass from the vast fields and the prominent trees that sway lightly in the breezy winds. There’s a warm temperature out in West Virginia of about 90 degrees in the summer. From the cabin near the edge of my fifteen acres of land, my lovely wife Elizabeth comes out to encourage Julian, Mary, Aaron, and Charlotte to roam far on the property and have fun! Oftentimes, my neighbors would come out to say hello and all was cheerful.

Once the cannonball stopped reverberating, I awoke myself. Thinking of sweet West Virginia won’t help me in combat. Now, I’m in South Carolina where I’ve made my oath to fight against the Confederates. It’s time to stop thinking too much about the safety of my family and battle the unknown.

My group was up next to take our charge. Anticipation and fear crept upon me as the next group of soldiers took on their hazardous assault. Fear came nearer as the boom from the cannon exploded. Sparks of light flared and I then noticed that only half of the soldiers made it to the other side. “Will this be the end...or will this be a new beginning?” Our soldiers were up next to attack. We were ready to fight. My emotions overflowed with confidence. We made our hazardous charge.

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