Trapped | Teen Ink


October 6, 2016
By Emily.P SILVER, Queens, New York
Emily.P SILVER, Queens, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I feel trapped away from a world I cannot seem to get a hold of. Its as though I am in a hard glass bubble trying more than anything to be free, trying to conncet to everyone on the other side. I can feel the world at my fingertips, so close yet completly out of my reach. This world seems so beautiful on the outside, it looks like perfection, without any signs of blemishes, but under a telescope I can see the dirt. Yet I still find myself wanting to be apart of it all, even with the stains, and the hate inside of everyones eyes. The urge to be inside of that world takes so much of, just imagine how I will be once im finally inside, but still I fight to get there. I want to have what everyone else has, but that envy  that illminates out of me makes me not apprcieate the beauty I have in my glass bubble, but still I take a hammer and keep trying to smash out of my bubble. All at once my charming bubble chatters into peices, and the world I tried so desperately to claw my way too was finally in my reach. The world I was in made me realize something within minutes of being there, and that was there is something wounderful in not following the rest of the crowd, there is something amazing about being a black sheap when the rest of the herd is white, it is perfectly fine to not be apart of the rest of the world. If only I knew this before I runied my glass bubble.

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