The Lump in the Rug. | Teen Ink

The Lump in the Rug.

October 27, 2010
By areli1996 BRONZE, N Las Vegas, Nevada
areli1996 BRONZE, N Las Vegas, Nevada
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It's my life..remember that when your talking about it .

The lump in the rug! That stupid cat! I dont know why he can't come out and take it like a man! I told him not to do it anymore! I've told him in English, French, Russian and Spanish! I dont know what language he speaks! All I said was "Dont poop in the house!" What does he not get? The word 'in'? I read it out of the dictionary for him! 'Poop'? I perfectly pointed at his poop as I said 'Poooooooooop'! Oh! Im sick of that cat! I want to get rid of it so bad! Maybe I can open the door for him and pretend that i didnt see him go outside! That is an exellent idea. I hope to get rid of him like that! That shall be done.

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