It Started With TV | Teen Ink

It Started With TV

November 25, 2009
By nkorom14 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
nkorom14 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As a child, John Parker always watched TV. His favorite shows were CSI Miami, Law and Order, and NYPD Blue. While he was watching these shows, he saw 8000 murders before he finished elementary school. After a couple of months he decided that he wanted to become a murderer. Now, when he watched these shows, he would take notes. He would note how the person was killed and what the murderer did wrong to get caught. A few years down the road he compiled his notes and had a comprehensive study.

John Parker was 16 when he decided to kill his first victim. John did not want to go alone so he coerced his friend Scott into joining him. Scott was phlegmatic. This made him the perfect man for the job. John needed to make sure that Scott didn’t make any mistakes, so he inundated him with the information he had gathered over the past 6 years. The day before they executed their plan John tested Scott to corroborate he was ready. He was.

When the day came, the two boys were zealous. It was December 15th when John and Scott killed Andrew Miller. The two murderers had no poignant regret and were not mentally unaffected by the murder. Because of the polices’ fruitless attempts, they were not caught.

John and Scott went on to commit 16 murders. On the 16th murder there was a garbled instruction and John had to kill Scott to get him out of the way. After that horrible day, John never had sanguine feelings again.

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