King Melvish | Teen Ink

King Melvish

June 4, 2009
By Zachary O&#39Heran BRONZE, Plainwell, Michigan
Zachary O&#39Heran BRONZE, Plainwell, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a kingdom ruled by King Melvish,
Who, himself, was crazily selfish.
He took what he wanted from those who were poor,
And stole from the rich when he wanted some more,
From village to village the old king took,
Bracelets, jewelry, candles and books.
Warehouses filled to the top with his goods.
Then he knew no one could get them, not even Robin Hood,
“Ha Ha!” the king cried, “My goods are locked with my key.
They are safe from those who wish to steal from me.”
The king looked out of his window with pride,
As his final treasures were locked up inside.
Suddenly he noticed as he looked down,
The town’s people running up with great big frowns.
“You pillaged and stole!” they started to yell.
“You even took our giant gold bell.”
“One at a time.” The old king spoke.
“You all can’t positively be broke.”
The crowd says, “We are now thanks to thee,
Give us our stuff back with a royal decree.”
“Now, now.” The old king said.
“Go on home and go to bed.”
“No way!” Screamed Little Red Riding Hood.
“I need my basket of yummy goods.
To give to my grandma who is sick in bed.
She needs those goodies, she needs to be fed.”
“Oh yes.” The king said with a noxious burp.
“Those goodies were good, now leave me alone twerp.”
The little girl cried and ran down the stairs,
As the king looked to the wolf with an irritated stare.
“What do you want?” asked the king,
“Why don’t you make me happy and sing?”
“Oh. I’ll open my mouth at the end of my snout,
But instead I’ll blow the drums in your ears out.”
With a huff and a puff the wolf was ready
To make the kings foundations unsteady.
But quick as a flash two cards ran past,
They beat up the wolf and put him in a body cast.
“Thank you my guards.” Said the king with glee.
“Now take him out to the nearest tree.
Hang him there, by the end of his tail.
He will wait for trail and he cannot have bail.”
Just as the guards led him away,
Another person came in with something to say.
“Who is it now?” the king sighed.
“It is I, The Queen of Hearts.” She replied.
“You stole my kingdom, all of my guards,
All of my loyal, subjective cards.”
“So I have.” The king said with a grin,
And now he knew what was about to begin.
“Off with her head!” the king cried.
“And don’t let anyone else inside.”
The cards marched out and left the king alone,
He sat there quietly with only the walls of stone.
After a while a man with a cloak came in.
“I have a story my king, let me begin.”
“How did you get in?” the king asked.
“Your guards are busy, that’s how I got past.
I have a story for you, and must hear.
The fate of your kingdom rests in your ear.
For you must be completely understanding,
For your redemption is very demanding.”
“What the heck, I’m really bored,
If your story is good I won’t use my sword.
If you want your head to stay on your neck,
Than tell a good story and I won’t come collect.”
“Very well my king, here is the story,
Be warned right now it’s not filled with glory.
This story is dark and very sad,
Because this man was terribly bad.
This man was rich, and had lots of gold,
None of it he wanted to be gone or sold.
He saw another man with a lonely penny,
Compared to the one’s he had, there were so many.
He had to have it, it was so fine.
“That penny there,” he said, “it must be mine.”
So he ran up to the man and took it away.
Did you enjoy the story I told you today?”
“No I didn’t!” the old king said.
“Tell me who this man is and off with his head.”
“But my king don’t you know?
That man is you and you’ll reap what you sew.”
The king’s eyes began to overflow,
“OH! I’m sorry, forgive me, let me go.”
“You must give back the things you took,
Only then will your selfishness be overlooked.”
The king took his key and unlocked the door.
He gave back all the goodies and even a bit more.
“Yippee! Hurray!” The people began to shout.
Even the wolf cried out with his long snout.
Little Red Riding Hood got a new basket,
That even matched her glowing red jacket.
It also looked like a dark cloak in the basket when she skipped down the lane,
The king saw it and thought to himself, “I must be insane.”
The old king looked out to the crowd with pride.
He said, “This is much better than keeping those treasures locked up inside.”

The author's comments:
I wrote this for class. It's a fairy tale that rymes that tells about how selfishness is bad.

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