Friday Night | Teen Ink

Friday Night

October 10, 2016
By Anonymous

Its Friday October 13th it's finally starting to feel like fall. The leaves are turning red, yellow and orange and falling off the trees, the weather is starting to drop down to the 60’s and 70’s so it's the perfect time for boots and sweaters. I decided that I was going to stay home tonight while my parents go out for dinner since it's their 14th anniversary.
I head downstairs to make myself a grilled cheese. After that, I head over to the living room to so I can watch some tv because I needed to catch up on the bachelorette since I have been so busy with school. So I grab a whole bunch of blankets and turn on the fireplace so I can be all nice and cozy. But, all the sudden I look out my window and I see a blur of something outside my window. I didn’t have my glasses on so I ran upstairs to go get them, I went back downstairs to see that nothing was there so I sprinted around the house window to window to see if there was anything there. Until, I realized I forgot to look in one window, the basement window. So I sneakily walk down the stairs to the basement peek my head around the corner and standing there was a clown. The clown was like no other it had red curly hair, its face was as white as snow, it had a knife in its hand, he had a massive smirk on his face and his head was tilled staring straight at me. I ran up those stairs as fast as I could. I locked all the doors, shut all the windows. All the sudden I hear something fall and shatter on the floor, it was too late I forgot to lock the basement. I grabbed a bat from my parents room and quietly walked down the stairs so that if the clown was in my house he wouldn’t be able to hear me. I went around the corner to go to the basement but the clown was right there in my living room! I tried to call the cops but none of the calls were going through. I started to get really worried, I had this empty feeling in my stomach and it started to get really hot, I could feel droplets of sweat forming and dripping down the side of my face, I didn’t know what to do. So I just sat in the bathrooming hoping it would leave. I hear steps coming towards where I was trying to hide. He found me. I was forsure going to be dead. My heart started pumping so fast I thought it was going to shoot out of my chest. I started breathing heavily so I tried to cover my mouth so he couldn't hear me. The clown tries to twist the knob to open the door but he realizes that it's locked. He starts to bang on the door, the door fell down and there I was with my mouth wide open in shock. He drags me out ties me up in front of the door. He reaches for his mask on his head and pulled it off. He started to chuckle and was slowly lifting up his knife it was really freaking me out. I turn around to look who the clown was, it was my dad. Thank goodness it was just my dad I felt relieved. As I started to get up he pushes me back down and holds the knife to my neck. There I sat in shock thinking that this all has to be a joke.

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