Slave of the Lost Ones | Teen Ink

Slave of the Lost Ones

March 3, 2016
By BMZ06 BRONZE, Dawsonville, Georgia
BMZ06 BRONZE, Dawsonville, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a dreadful time, there was a slave named Rupert. He farmed the barren fields of which King Huiget the Mighty conquered. The far off land of which Rupert, King Huiget the Mighty, and the whole kingdom of Ravenlaf existed was named the land of Image. There were slaves, serfs, knights, dukes, lords, kings, and even gods in the land of Image.

Rupert had farmed lands all his life. At the age of 6, his parents and brother were taken away and sold to other kingdoms. Now, at the age of 17, he had desired to be one of the many knights that faught evil and roamed free. He was born a slave, so he knew nothing except how to harvest, plant, and maintain various crop such as, cotton, lavender, wheat, and corn. The peasents of the kingdom grew snow peas to pay for what little food they had, and to feed what livestock they owned.

Rupert’s story begins one day when he was harvesting cotton, and the war against the giants was awakening. One particular knight by the name of Lotcelance was on his horse, Max, riding down the king’s high road. Suddenly a giant perched out of the trees with a sling armed with a boulder. Max jumped up startled, resulting in Lotcelance falling off onto the high road. The giant swung his arm around three time before releasing the boulder into the air, then hitting the ground just missing Lotcelance and his horse, Max.

Rupert worked next to the king’s high road, seeing everything. He ran up to Lotcelance, helping him up. Lotcelance was unconscious, so Rupert carried him into the nearby forest. Seconds later, Lotcelance regained consciousness. “Where am I?!”, he said. With a deeply slurred accent, Rupert replied, “I found you, -I found you unconscious, sir.” Then suddenly, the giant reappeared about half-a-mile away charging at the horse. “Max!” yelled Lotcelance. He ran up to Max, helping him up. What Lotcelance didn’t realize was that Max was trapped in a small tar pit. Lotcelance went to help up Max, when he was suddenly trapped in the tar.

Rupert was emerging from the forest when the giant closed in on Lotcelance and Max. With two sudden swings with the sling, Lotcelance remained on Max, dead. Rupert charged the other direction. He was traumatized. He had never seen anyone die. He ran as fast as he could through the forest, tripping on roots, and slamming into small trees and branches. Before he knew it, he was several miles away from the road.

Rupert turned back around, no sign of the giant, but that didn’t stop him. About one mile ahead, he was running through dense jungle. Out of nowhere, a large waking hole was set right in front of him. Not seeing it, Rupert kept running, straight into the deep, dark hole. The walls of the pit were lined with dense vines, thorns, and vibrant, toxicant flowers. The fall was caught at the bottom by a small pond, not much wider than a wagon cart.
Rupert hit the water hard. He was stunned by what just happened. He was running so swiftly, then suddenly -SWOOSH- and he was falling. Then out of nowhere the small pond sunk him down. He swam to the surface, finding a lip of stone he pulled himself up onto. He was in a cavernous room. The walls were built of stone, lined with many carvings representing gods and their people. Each carving was outlined in gold, that Rupert admiringly took time into. Not far past the carvings was a corridor. Rupert took the corridor into an even smaller room.  Rupert awed.

The room had three statues. Each statue represented a god, the God of Aqua, the God of the Inferno, and the God of the Gust. Each was lined in many jewels, including diamonds, rubies, pearls, amethysts, and emeralds. The floor had tiles made of sandstone, the walls were made of andesite, and the ceiling was crafted of polished granite.

Suddenly, a loud voice shook the room. “YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE.” Rupert ducked. “WE HAVE AWAITED YOUR ARRIVAL. YOU MUST TAKE THE THRONE AS KING OF RAVENLAF.” Rupert was confused, and replied in a startled tone, “Um, I just stumbled upon th-this tomb and this must b-be a mistake.” “THERE IS NO MISTAKE. YOU MUST RIGHTFULLY TAKE THRONE AND DEFEND THE KINGDOM FROM THE UPCOMING GIANT WAR. YOU, RUPERT, ARE THE RIGHTFUL KING OF RAVENLAF AND WILL PROTECT IT FROM DISASTER…”

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