Excerpt | Teen Ink


April 15, 2012
By Journey_Foreigner_QuietRiot_Poison_Queen BRONZE, South El Monte, California
Journey_Foreigner_QuietRiot_Poison_Queen BRONZE, South El Monte, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"'You love me. Real or not real?' 'Real'" -Hunger Games Peeta & Katniss

'''Where are we going?''' Atlanta questioned David.
"'Somewhere Far, but if we speak of it now he may hear it"' David looked around suspiciously.
"Did you bring it?"' i asked David.
"Bring what??" Atlanta looked confused and she looked between me and David for his answer.
"'I did, but its not finished...It may have a side effect"' David hesitated on his answer.
"Like?" i pressed for details and Atlanta just looked puzzled.
"Memory loss. There is a potential, well a very likely possibility that we wont remember any of this...At all."'
"'What do you mean?"' Atlanta asked what i was thinking.
"'It means that if we drink the potion i created, not only do we have a chance at escape and new lives, but we're not going to remember any of this life'" As David finished Atlanta's Face became horrified.
"'No, there has to be another way"' she was going into denial, at this rate any delay could be fatal. I could hear the baying of the hounds in the distance.
"Atlanta Look at me''' She was looking down and i could tell she was crying. Her parents being dead and this was too much for her.
"'Look at me" it was a simple command and she looked up.
"'I don't want to..."' her tears spilled down her cheeks, flowing freely.
"I promise i'll hold on to you, the whole time. No matter what happens we will find a way back. I won't forget you, deep down inside you will always be there'''
"'Come on Atlanta, It's time to go"' David was holding a bottle filled with silvery blue liquid.
"Take a good sip"' he instructed as he gave me the bottle.
as the liquid made contact with my lips i felt a chill go down my spine. A cool substance slid over my tongue and ran down my throat, it was tasteless but made me feel unpleasant. I tried to look calm for Atlanta's sake.
"'Don't sugar coat it for her Seth" , David knew what i was doing "'She knows it has to be done"'
Atlanta took the bottle from my hand and took a sip. she immediately flinched at the cold sensation and tossed David the bottle.
"Here goes nothing" and with that he drank what was left of it.
"Seth...hold my hand" i took Atlanta's hand and David did likewise on the other side. The portal started to open and bright light filled the clearing.
"' just promise me one thing Seth....Don't let me forget"'
"'I won't". As the light got closer i had a feeling of falling, feeling weightless....then nothing..no feeling existed. all i was aware of were my thoughts, and slowly i started to lose consciousness everything fading away, going dark.

The author's comments:
Part of a "novel" i'm working on. who knows if i'll ever finish

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