Trapped | Teen Ink


May 27, 2010
By Mary Woodson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Mary Woodson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Winnie the Pooh cautiously enters the elevator on the third floor. Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears were fighting about their previous break-up…six years ago. Pooh walked to the corner and listened in.
“You’re tearing up my heart Britney,” Justin said with his hands clutching his chest. “I just want you back.”
Britney didn’t seem to care that Justin was on his knees fro her. “Let me be,” she screamed over and over again. She glanced back at Winnie the Pooh, shrugged her shoulders saying, “Boys…can’t live with them, can’t live without them.”
Winnie the Pooh watches as the elevator numbers rise, realizing he got on the elevator going the wrong direction. His eyes wonder from Britney to Justin. He whispers to himself, “Oh bother.”
“I drive myself crazy over you. Please Britney take me back. You’ll forever be in my heart. It’ll be the two of us until death. Forgive me…please.”
Britney looked as though she wanted to cry. Her eyes grew wet and her chin was trembling with happiness. She knew she wanted him.
She looked back to Pooh. “Do you think I should take him back?”
Pooh, unaware she was talking to him, quickly thought and said, “I’m a bear of very little brain.” Britney just kept staring at him in disbelief. Winnie the Pooh tapped his head and said, “Think, think, think.” After pondering on the question, Pooh answered, “Some people care too much, I think its called love.”
Britney looks back at Justin, on his knees still with his arms reaching up to her as to say, ‘Please take me back…I’m a slave for you.’ She stares deep into his eyes, opens her mouth in hesitation and says, “Baby one more time. Don’t screw up anymore. You drive me crazy.”
Justin jumped up from his knees and threw himself at Britney. She looked at him saying, “But we start out slow, no strings attached at the beginning.”
Justin didn’t care though. He just kept smiling and kissing Britney. Suddenly the elevator beeped and the doors swung open revealing the lobby. Winnie the Pooh bolted out saying, “Bye, bye, bye.”

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