Jack and Jill Go Up Capitol Hill | Teen Ink

Jack and Jill Go Up Capitol Hill

January 20, 2010
By Mitch Etchason BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Mitch Etchason BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jack And Jill Go Up Capitol Hill

“I think that man is staring at you ,” I said to my best friend Jill. Jill and I were sitting in the local Silver Spring Qdoba eating our favorite burritos. When I noticed a strange looking man who was sitting with his mouth wide open gawking at Jill. The man was sitting with this stupid fixated expression on his face. The man’s appearance was why out of the ordinary. He had an atrocious yellow, plastic raincoat on. He also had on bright yellow pants and a three corner hat right there on his noggin. “Jill what do you think is with him,” I asked Jill. “Maybe he is not looking at me maybe he is looking at something outside.” We both looked outside and much to my surprise we saw a cop dancing in the middle of the street. Well, he was dancing if you consider hopping to and fro to avoid a stream of gun fire. The gun fire came from an AK-47. Then I pulled what some people might call a girl scream. I was out of there and into the bathroom faster then a bunny rabbit on steroids. When I finally worked up enough courage to go outside of the bathroom I saw the cop on the ground dead, but I did not see Jill. I took a better look around and I saw Jill. She was hiding under the table. “Are you okay Jill,” I asked. “that man out there, is he dead,” Jill asked with a look of fear on her face. I got a stony expression and nodded. “We better go check just in case,” I said. We scrambled outside and what we saw has horrible. The man must have died with his eyes open because they were glazed over. The cop had taken a single shot to the chest. What really took me by surprise was he was not dead yet. He still had s few breaths left in him. He used his last energy to mutter,” The Tizbo are out to kill the president”. I looked at Jill and said,” Oh no

Jill and I had plenty on our plates , there was one dead cop and a whole mess of trouble. In case you are wondering who I am I am Jack. I am 13 years old and live in Silver Spring, Maryland. When Jill and I got back to my we had a lot of research to do. We went up to my dad excuse for a room, and got out my dad’s old dinky laptop.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 26 2010 at 4:35 pm
a_bunch_of_nuns, Unknown, Wisconsin
0 articles 6 photos 78 comments
This sounds like a brilliant start to a story. *claps hand together* Nice title, by the way.