Black Nikes | Teen Ink

Black Nikes

September 28, 2023
By Anonymous

My friend Jordyn turned into Stephen King. I gave him a Dr.Pepper and he said “Slay”, which was confusing to me because it was my friend's personality trapped in Stephen King’s body. I looked out my window, and in the distance I saw a little rain puddle, it was odd because it hadn’t been raining. I went outside walking past the viridian green pine trees to look at the puddle. “What the heck?” I exclaimed as I looked into the puddle and saw Jenna Ortega swimming in the puddles with some jellyfish and a siren. I went back to my friend/ Stephen King hybrid and told him I think I wanted to be a monkey babysitter. “Mono?” He asked, shocked that I would think it was a good idea. I went to my kitchen with a picture of Mona Lisa hanging on the wall to make 12 cups of coffee. Mona Lisa has trypophobia and the coffee grounds made her freak out. “Get outta my kitchen!” she yelled at me. I threw on my Nikes and headed for the door, but it was gone. “Can I not show you a way out?” Mona Lisa asked, “Just leave!”

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