University Of Arizona | Teen Ink

University Of Arizona MAG

By Anonymous

   Tuscon, AZ: In mid-April of last year, I took a vacation to Tucson, Arizona. As soon as I stepped out of the airport, I knew I was going to love Arizona. My first full day there I took a tour of the Univeristy of Arizona's campus. I fell in love with it. There was a long island of green grass with tall palm trees lining the middle of the strip. The kids call this "the mall." People played frisbee, lay in the sun, did homework, or just hung out with friends there. There were kids riding their bikes and roller blading all over the place.

It looks like a real fun place to be. Then I went to see the sorority and fraternity houses. The fraternity houses were really nice, but the sorority houses were gorgeous. Big white houses with columns lining the front, shiny brass door knockers, dark green grass in the front yards, spurting water fountains, hot pink roses and other assorted flowers in front. They were magnificent. Next we went to look at the classroom buildings which were very modern. There were parking garages, science buildings, and new dorms all under construction. The U. of A.'s campus was spectacular. n

Reviewed in 1993

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i love this !