Providence College | Teen Ink

Providence College MAG

By Anonymous

   Providence, RI: On a pleasant sunny Saturday afternoon, one of my classmates and I had the opportunity of visiting the campus of Providence College. Arriving an hour before the tour, and famished, we decided to get a bite to eat. My mom thought that it would be a great idea to have lunch in one of the college cafeterias in order to sample "real college food" firsthand. My friend and I walked into the cafeteria feeling very young, very stupid, and very obviously visiting Providence College on a high school tour. I must admit that the variety of food was impressive. The cafeteria offered tons of breakfast-type foods - Belgian waffles, assorted cereals, etc. They even had a deli department, salad bar, and soft serve ice cream machine, complete with toppings.

Providence College is a Division I school, and the fans at P.C. really enjoy attending games, and showing their school support and spirit. As far as recreational sports are concerned, the school's recreational center boasts a beautiful indoor track, basketball court, racquetball courts, swimming pool, and Nautilus equipment. The highlight of our tour was when our guides randomly knocked on the door of two unsuspecting girls in their dorm room. My friend and I enjoyed seeing what an actual dorm room looked like - complete with posters, pictures, stereos, television, computers, and microwave oven. Providence College particularly impressed me with its sense of warmth and great community spirit. I knew that I would feel very comfortable and happy being a student on this campus, and definitely plan on applying to this great Catholic college. f

Reviewed in 1996

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i love this !